Page 86 of Almost Pretend
Elle turns her gaze back to me, tilting her head with a little smile. “You really think so?”
For just a moment, I don’t really know what the fuck to say.
She seems to honestly want my encouragement, while my tongue locks up.
We’re not playacting right now.
We’re just talking.
Being human.
Being together.
I don’t know what to do with that.
Thankfully, I’m saved from finding words by the waiter arriving with water and menus. He offers us both a smile that threatens to out-perk even Elle.
I realize I haven’t grown more tolerant of cheerful people in general.
Only more tolerant of her, because I immediately want to shut this chattering squirrel of a man in a cabinet somewhere and throw away the key.
I manage to grunt politely at him as he promises to be back soon to take our orders, offers us tonight’s special cocktails, and accepts Elle’s cheerful refusal that I suspect is for my sake.
I eye the smiling man as he bustles away with more energy than any human being should possess. Elle snickers and leans across the table.
“August, c’mon. You’re supposed to look happy. You’re out with your girl.”
“This is happy,” I growl, baring my teeth.
She covers her mouth with one hand to muffle her laughter.
“Oh, please. Was he that bad?”
“I’m not convinced he was human and not an overexcited golden retriever wearing a mask.”
“Really.” Elle gives me a canny look. “So if he’s a golden retriever ... what kind of animal do you think I am?”
“I don’t.” I glower at her.
It might as well have been a confession.
“Okay, now I know you do.” Under the table, the toe of her heel gently nudges my calf. That shouldn’t make me so painfully physically aware of her. Such an innocent, chaste touch, and yet it prickles my entire body with warmth. “C’mon, August. Spill it. What am I? A mouse? A dumpster raccoon? I bet you think I’m a trash panda. Admit it.”
“You make me hate my life right now.” I drop my face into my hand, groaning as I mutter under my breath. “Tiger.”
“What? I couldn’t heeear you,” Elle lilts. She heard me just fine, damn her. “Say that again.”
“Tiger cub, I said. Tiger kitten,” I hiss through my teeth. My face is melting off. “And once you were like a—fuck this, never mind.”
I can’t say it out loud.
Only, it’s too late.
She’s already latched on, and she’s not letting go.
“Tell me!” she insists, her voice ringing with laughter. I can’t even look at her, but I know those tiger eyes are gleaming with wickedness without even seeing them. “I’ll let you rub my belly, and I might even purr if you do.”
I jerk my head up, scowling. “Why are you so terrible?”