Page 101 of Beautiful Ruin
“Morning,” Leilani responded with her face in the pillow.
He reached for her, and she flipped over, facing him. “I’d say I’m sorry, but I’m not.”
“Are we doing that every morning?” Leilani asked, clearing her throat.
“I fucking hope so.”
AFTER BREAKFAST, JACOB borrowed one of Fletcher's vehicles and they hit the road.
Blake had said the night before that he and Bella would tag along, but upon waking, Bella wasn’t feeling well, so he was taking her to the local hospital to check the baby was okay.
“Ring me if it’s serious,” Jacob had told him. “Otherwise, we’ll see you later this afternoon.”
Now, he and Leilani were cruising through the Hamptons, and he found himself enjoying her excitement at visiting a new place. It was his first time too, so he loved that they were sharing this.
Not that it meant anything.
“God it’s gorgeous here. I’ve always wanted to see the Hamptons,” Leilani said. “Wow, look at that enormous place.”
He slowed for the lights and then twisted his body to look at the mansion she was admiring. Or at least what he could see of it behind the large gates.
“Yeah, that’s nice. You know, I’d really like something near Fletcher and Oliva’s place. Let’s see what this realtor has for us.”
Leilani’s brow twitched as she caught his little slip, but she didn’t say anything.
“Why is this man working on Good Friday?” she asked instead.
“Because every day is a good day to sell a multi-million-dollar property.” Jacob smirked and then returned his eyes to the road as the lights turned green.
“I wouldn’t know,” Leilani mumbled.
Jacob reached over and took her hand—then froze, wondering what the fuck he was doing—and squeezed. “Not many people do, princess. I know how blessed I am.”
She shrugged. “You earned it. It’s not like your family gave it to you.”
He smiled at her kind attempt to make him feel comfortable. It wasn’t necessary. He wasn’t uncomfortable with his wealth or his family’s. They had all created it from the ground up. Perhaps his elder cousins hadn’t—Jonathan had created the Dufort Hotel Group—but they could just as easily burn it to the ground if they messed things up.
Businesses were far more delicate than people realized. Especially the big ones.
“Nope. They didn’t, but I did something with the expensive education I got, and trust me, not everyone does.” Jacob put both hands on the wheel and crouched to take in a road sign. Then he signaled to change lanes and headed toward the parking lot.
“We’ll go in his car.” Jacob said, circling the car to open her door.
“You know, you’re quite a gentleman.” Leilani smiled, climbing out.
“Whatever made you think I wouldn’t be?” The corner of his lip curled.
She surprised him by laying a hand on his chest and tiptoeing up, then whispering. “It was when you slid your finger inside my ass.”
Leilani dropped onto her heels and walked away, leaving him trying to take control of the erection growing in his pants.
“Come on,” she called out.