Page 127 of Beautiful Ruin
Jacob glanced over to where Leilani sat, her arms resting on her knees as she chatted to Bella. Her long dark locks flickered in the small breeze and the fire reflected off her sun-kissed skin.
She was so goddamn beautiful.
“She’s not mine.”
Jacob shot back to Knox. “Or yours!”
The way he grinned like a Cheshire cat had him wanting to punch the guy in the jaw.
“Winding you up, brother.” Knox said, clasping him on the shoulder with a laugh, then caught himself. “Literally. My door is open for whatever relationship you want.”
“Appreciate it.” Jacob nodded.
He let out a breath as Knox walked away.
Perhaps it could be easier than he thought if he stopped overthinking it. It wasn’t like they had to blend families and live under one roof.
They were adult men and could have adult relationships.
LEILANI STRETCHED OUT her legs and stared up at the sky. It was filled with a million stars, though the lights around them made it difficult to see clearly.
Unlike Hawaii.
Many of the less touristy places allowed you to view millions of them, which took your breath away.
Perhaps she’d move back there when her mom passed away. Return to her roots and make a life there. Reconnect with old childhood friends and maybe meet a nice Hawaiian man.
Who didn’t frequent sex clubs.
Jacob flopped back down beside her. “Want to head back inside?”
“I’m not really tired,” she replied.
“Good. I wasn’t thinking of sleeping, princess.” He winked at her.
Leilani smiled and turned away. When he didn’t say anything else, a pang sliced through her chest, and she knew what they had was coming to an end.
She realized she’d gotten wrapped up in the romance of the whole weekend. Easy to do with all these loved up couples.
Had he forgotten it wasn’t real also?
No, Jacob had asked her here for one purpose, and while he was certainly a possessive and slightly jealous lover, that didn’t mean he had romantic feelings for her.
She didn’t want him to know she was having feelings for him that went deeper. Heck, she wanted nothing more than for Jacob to wrap his arm around her and pull her against him, to feel his warmth and affection. As he had all weekend.
But he didn’t.
And that was her answer.
Leilani glanced up, and she saw the tension on his face. Their eyes connected and there was a sadness between them that was new.
What was he thinking?
Olivia suddenly stood and waved out her hands to get everyone’s attention. Fletcher stood and joined her.