Page 141 of Beautiful Ruin
Ignoring her, he got out of the car and circled around. As always, she climbed out and he shook his head.
She unlocked the front door and glanced up at him. “I don’t even have anything to offer you to drink.”
“I’m not here for refreshments, princess.”
When the door closed behind them, she dropped her bag on the hall table and met his eyes. “Then why are you here, Jacob? Because my life is a mess, and I cannot play games anymore.”
Her façade dropped, and he saw the pain lining her face. Goddamn it. He couldn’t stand seeing her upset. He never had. Just as he was about to pull her into his arms, she turned and walked away.
“I have water.” She snapped, pulling open the fridge. “Room temperature or cold?”
“Cold,” he replied, walking to the doorway.
He may have read this all wrong, in which case he’d made a whole bunch of decisions based on fantasy.
And the truth was, her cool demeanor might have been reasonable, but it was hitting in all the right spots, so his fear of rejection was front and center.
But fuck that.
He wasn’t going to let Jenny, from his childhood, take away the chance of a life with Leilani. Only they got to decide that.
If he didn’t man up and start talking, that was.
“I’m sorry about your mom,” Jacob said.
“Yup. Thanks.” She yanked open the cupboard and pulled out a glass.
“I was out of town when I heard and wasn’t sure if you wanted me to contact you.”
Her face dropped, and she just stared into the glass of water she had poured. Jacob waited, frozen, not sure what to do.
“Don’t call me that,” she snapped, wet eyes connecting with his. “I’m not your princess.”
“No. Here.” She slammed the water into his chest, and it spilled all over him. “Drink and go.”
“Leilani, stop.” Jacob placed the drink on the counter and reached for her. He pulled her into his arms as she broke down in tears. “Baby,” he cooed as she sobbed against his chest.
He should have just fucking followed her into the hospital that day and told her how he felt.
Instead, he’d taken days to sort his feelings out and then launched into action to become a man deserving of her.
“Hey, I’m here,” Jacob said, running his hand over her hair. “I’m here.”
“But you weren’t,” Leilani cried. “No one was.”
“Fuck, I’m sorry. I...I wasn’t sure you wanted me here. I haven’t been sure about a lot of things.” Jacob lifted her face to his. “But I know what I want now, and Jesus, I hope you want the same thing.”