Page 17 of Beautiful Ruin
Well, I’m here, he felt like announcing loudly.
He was here to face his mother. If she thought a simple heart-to-heart was going to make all of this okay, she was wrong.
Jacob let himself in by punching in the code on the security panel, then announced his arrival. Loudly.
Samantha Dufort didn’t like shouting. Oh dear, how sad.
“Jacob, really?”
He shrugged. “I wasn’t sure where you were.”
I knew exactly.
“I was where I am every day at this time, in the kitchen making dinner.” She chastised and kissed his cheek with a tsk. “Thank you for coming over. I wasn’t sure how long you were going to ignore me.”
A lot longer if Blake hadn’t intervened. But he was also ready to get a few things off his chest and because there was no time like the present...
“Me being here should not be seen as a sign of forgiveness.” Jacob said as Samantha circled the large marble island in the kitchen and continued making the salad she’d been preparing.
“I see.”
“I also think you should tell Blake who his father is,” he said plainly.
“Do you?” She kept chopping.
Jacob clenched jaw, frustrated with her nonresponse.
“Yes, darling?” She glanced up, then sighed and with authority said, “Jacob, sit your ass down.”
He crossed his arms.
“Are you kidding me right now? I came over here to talk to you. Not be treated like a five-year-old.”
If she thought she could start dictating to him, he would leave.
He deserved answers and an explanation.
“No, you came here to yell at me.” She glared. “And to make me feel terrible about my life decisions and make demands of me. Well, my son, it doesn’t work that way.”
Yes, it does.
When it comes to making life decisions that impact other people, it absolutely did. Nothing happened without consequences.
What did she think?
That he’d just be all like, Ah hi Dad. So glad I finally know. This is great news. Thanks Mom.
Fuck that.
“Mom, you withheld information about who my father was when he lived five minutes down the damn road.” Jacob cried, whipping his arm out and pointing in the direction of the Montgomery estate.
“Yes. I did. But I can’t say I would do it any different.” She finished the salad and moved the bowl into the middle of the island.