Page 32 of Beautiful Ruin
The moment the bouncer opened the door, nodding at Jacob, the music hit Leilani.
In truth, she wasn’t a huge partier, but she loved dancing, and Sailors was one of the hottest spots in Philadelphia right now.
Perhaps because of the exclusive top floors that only the super-rich and elite could access. She’d been curious and looked at the prices when she googled Jacob. Then physically blanched.
Holy hell, it was more than most people paid for their mortgage each month.
As Jacob guided her inside, she wondered if he was serious about giving her a tour. That would be amazing.
Even Amy would be impressed.
She would get some photos and send them to both Amy and Vanessa, and for once, they could be envious of her life.
Out with Jacob Dufort—wow.
The main floor of Sailors was impressive, and she remembered it from their last visit. As well as the stunning lighting and a DJ box up front, there was also a stage with professional dancers in amazing costumes.
The vibe was classy with its black and gold tones, but a had a hint of seduction.
Having been there before, Leilani felt herself relax and move her body to the music as Jacob got their drinks.
“Vodka, right?” He handed her a short glass with clear liquid and ice.
Her eyes shot up to his. “Yes, how did you know?”
“I’m observant.” Jacob leaned his back against the bar, reaching for her, and Leilani found herself pressed against his hard, muscular frame.
Oh, lord.
Jacob’s fingers brushed against her arm as she sipped her drink over and over, wondering how she got so lucky to have caught this amazing man’s attention.
Jacob fucking Dufort had taken her to his club.
Oh my God.
His fingers softly circled the back of her upper arm as his body moved gently to the loud music. It was as if they were in their own little erotic bubble.
Lord, my panties are wet.
Leilani took another sip and told herself not to twist around and throw herself at Jacob. Because that would be uncool.
“So, how am I doing so far?” Jacob asked.
“In cheering me up?” she asked, and he nodded. “Five out of ten so far.”
“Wow, tough audience. Okay, I’ll have to step up my game.” He laughed. “Shots and a dance. How about that?”
“A good start.” She chuckled and began to move her hips to the music when he released her a little.
“Hey, Jake,” a tall guy with dark hair and a full neck tattoo said as he walked past.
“Trent,” Jacob replied, pressing his fingers into her arm. It felt almost, but very subtly, possessive.
Trent shot her a smile and for some reason, it felt a little dirty. Almost as if he knew something she didn’t.
“Carter is upstairs waiting for you,” Trent told Jacob.