Page 44 of Beautiful Ruin
Her eyes had flown open wider, and then she had hung on.
For life.
Jacob had lifted her up and down his cock while she clenched his thick shaft. Both of them climaxing within moments.
We know what we’re doing. Carter had said, and he’d been right.
But it had also told her there was nothing special about her being there with them. Likely, Melanie and Lucy had been in her position many times. That was probably what had her reeling and unable to sleep.
Even though she was exhausted and depleted.
“So stupid. As if Jacob Dufort was going to invite me home to his fancy house and fall in love with me.” She said with a loud sigh.
Although that wasn’t why she left the InkWell event in the minutes that followed, Leilani had convinced herself that Jacob liked her. The kisses, his attention, and showing her his club.
She thought it might be real.
He’d come back for her after all.
Oh no!
Her hands flew to her face. Did Blake know what his brother was into? Oh God, he had to. She could never face him ever again. She’d have to resign. Flee the country.
Move to Mars.
“Ugh,” Leilani rolled over and buried her head in the pillows.
Eventually sleep came, but not until every worst-case scenario had played itself out at least twice.
THE NEXT DAY, Leilani avoided her mom as much as she could while doing all the chores that needed doing in the home.
She couldn’t face anyone right now.
Answering questions about how her night was felt extremely uncomfortable.
“Great. The event was a success. Blake and Bella even told me I’d done a great job.” She muttered as she wiped down the kitchen bench.
“So proud of you, darling,” her mom said.
“Thanks Mom,” she’d replied, although the more accurate response would have been you might not be proud if you knew how the night ended up. With my ass in the air while some hot blond god licked it.
Sometimes it was better to say nothing at all. This was definitely one of those times.
After the chores were done, Leilani claimed to have a hangover and returned to her room to read, scrolled through social media, dozed, and then spent far too long soaking in a bubble bath. Finally it was bedtime, and she buried her head back under the pillow and tried to block out the memories.
While secretly admitting to herself it had been the wildest, sexiest night of her life.
She just couldn’t tell a soul about it.
And would have to face Jacob the next time he showed up at InkWell.
Would he still flirt with her?
Would he know she had wanted more and think she was just some ditzy PA who had no idea she’d never fit into his world?