Page 47 of Beautiful Ruin
“I won’t want to date,” Leilani said, feeling her cheeks heat. “I’m happy being single.”
She was.
But she wasn’t.
She wanted what her friends had, but being made to feel like there was something wrong with her was unfair.
“Don’t you want a family? You know what they say about fertility these days,” Amy continued.
“Amy,” Greg warned.
“I’m saying this because I care,” she cried.
Leilani glanced at Vanessa, who smiled. She was always the neutral one—like damn Switzerland.
Thanks for the support, Ness.
“Sure. I mom is going to die soon, Amy. So my focus isn’t on reproducing.” Leilani ground her teeth as she stabbed at her chicken.
“Anyone getting dessert?” Donny asked, then glanced up from the menu he’d been reading when there was no response. “What?”
God love him.
Amy placed a hand on her arm. “Don’t be mad. It’s because I love you. I want our kids to be close in age like we were.”
Sure, it’s all about you Amy.
She didn’t say that. Instead, Leilani smiled and nodded, then swept her long, dark hair around her neck.
Big mistake.
“What is THAT?” Amy gasped.
Oh fuck.
She’d seen it this morning in the mirror. It was Jacob’s thumb print. A bruise.
“Fell over on Friday,” she mumbled.
Onto a billionaire’s cock.