Page 89 of Beautiful Ruin
Watching Leilani with his family was making him feel all kinds of things he hadn’t prepared for.
Even Blake looked less pissed.
He’d never had any concern the Dufort women wouldn’t take her under their wing—they were all amazing—but seeing his princess fit in so easily? Well, yeah, it made him happy.
And fucking terrified.
Then he remembered she was clenching her pussy around his sex beads and in just over an hour, he would be licking them clean.
Carter and the girls at Sailors would love this kind of mental foreplay.
Tonight, Leilani was all his. Her heated glances had his cock twitching and obsessed with sinking inside her. The top she wore had done very little to hide her hard nipples. Not that he wanted his family seeing them, but he had a little exhibitionist in him to not care.
He wondered how Leilani felt about it.
She could have refused, but so far had played along like a good little girl, and Jacob was sure she would like it. He knew she’d like what was coming when they were alone.
Jacob rubbed his jaw.
Tell Blake I’m fine and have no expectations. I won’t quit because his brother broke my heart.
Of course she wouldn’t.
At least he knew Leilani wasn’t here after his money. Not that he had thought that for a second.
He’d asked for her help, and she’d seen an opportunity to get her mom care while she had a holiday. Hell, he’d been impressed with the way she negotiated it.
Jacob was trying really hard not to like her for more than her pretty tits and sweet pussy, but she was making it really difficult.
The way she kissed him.
The way her sad eyes got under his skin, and he wanted to know what was going on in her life.
The way he was both excited to get her in that king size bed all to himself while also apprehensive about how he’d feel at the end of the weekend.
It seemed so fucking stupid.
He was concerned he’d like her a little too much, while Leilani was very clear she would not feel anything for him.
Story of his life.
And yet, as he watched her through the window and winked at her, he had to wonder if she was really that bulletproof.
Or at least her heart.
In saying that, it was clear something serious was going on in her life. Her mom was ill. But how ill he didn’t know. Enough to need a nurse, so it didn’t sound positive.
Jacob wondered what else he could do to help her.
Jacob had delivered his part of the deal and arranged for the nurse. She was set up at Mrs. Kai’s house this morning with instructions to send him updates, which he’d share with his princess.