Page 24 of Haven Moon
“I do. A lot.”
“What’s holding you back?”
“She’s got secrets. Stuff from her past that she won’t share. Chloe just told me her daddy used to hit Sammie.” I told him what she’d said, including the disturbing story about the kittens and that he’d slammed Chloe into a wall.
“Your mom and I thought it might be something like that. She’s running from him, don’t you think?”
“Gotta be.”
“You have feelings for her?” Pop asked.
“Yeah. I can’t stop thinking about her. It’s grabbed me and won’t let go. But I don’t know what to do about it. She’s married. She might be in danger of being found. Who knows what kind of mess she could bring into our lives.”
“Yes, it’s messy. No doubt,” Pop said. “It was messy with your mom too.”
“Did you ever think it was too complicated?”
“Not once. Did I go in knowing it could be a fight to get her to trust me? For sure. But I didn’t let it keep me from hoping or trying.”
“But she wasn’t married to someone else. And she didn’t hide anything from you.”
“That’s true, she didn’t hide anything, but she was still married when I met her. Before he was killed, she told me she was getting a divorce. I wouldn’t have made a move or pressured her, obviously, but I figured a friendship was the best way to get to know her. And then everything happened with your dad and suddenly she was a widow, with even more trauma and betrayal to deal with.”
“We’re friends, no question there. I’m not sure how she feels. Some days I think she likes me. Others, I can see she’s consumed with worry and fear, leaving no room for me.”
“You want my advice?”
He placed his hand on my shoulder and looked me in the eyes, his love for me like pure light. “Be patient and steady. Show her by your actions who you are and how you feel. If it’s meant to be, she’ll see it and God will open a path for the two of you to be together. You have to lean into faith in times like these, knowing God always has your best interest at heart. There’s a reason he put the two of you together in the same place. Whatever it is, let it unfold. Don’t push. Not yet.”
I nodded as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder before letting me go. “Thanks, Pop.”
“I’m so unbelievably proud of the man you’ve become. You know that?”
I drew in a breath to stop the tears that scratched at the backs of my eyes. “I’m just trying to be like you, Pop. From the moment you came into our lives, all I’ve wanted is to be half the man you are.”
Pop’s eyes reddened. “You’re a good boy. Always have been.”
We were quiet, observing Chloe cooing to the chicks, until I broke the silence.
“Do you think I should talk to her about what Chloe said to me? If I don’t, it feels a little like I’m lying to her.”
“I always figure honesty is best in any relationship. More than anything, she needs you to be there for her without judgment or expectations. She needs a loyal friend. If she opens up to you and asks for your help, then you’ll know what to do next.”
“Yeah, okay.”
We were interrupted when Chloe came running over to us. “Tad, is it time for the swing?”
“I have to hang it up first, so maybe this afternoon,” I said.
“Yay.” Chloe wrapped herself around my legs. “I love you.”
For heaven’s sake. The tears I’d successfully avoided only moments ago now blurred my vision. “I love you too, little one.”
Pop’s eyes twinkled. “I can remember the first time you told me that. ‘I love you, Mr. Moon.’ I thought my heart might burst right then and there.”
“I still love you, Pop.”