Page 29 of Haven Moon
“As in, attorneys, protection, bribes, or threats.”
I stared at him. “Bribes or threats?”
“Right. Solutions to your problem.”
“Thad, I don’t know.”
“Do you want to make sure Chloe stays with you?”
“Of course.” The idea of anyone taking her from me sent ice through my veins.
“Then let my family and me try to help.”
“I don’t want to put anyone in danger. You’ve all taken us in and been like—” I’d almost said family. Was that true? Had I started thinking of the Moons as family? I understood one thing clearly. Chloe had.
She proved my point by shouting out to us as she and Stella came down the hallway. I hadn’t heard a car or the back door open.
“Mama. Tad. I’m home.”
“Let me talk to Atticus,” Thad said quietly. “Please.”
As Chloe bounded into the room, I nodded, feeling somewhere deep inside me that it was my only choice. I’d prayed for help. Maybe the Moon family could be my salvation. More so than they’d already been, which seemed nearly impossible. Atticus and Annie had money and wealth, which equaled power.
Was John’s family susceptible to bribes or threats? Who knew? But it was better than sitting here like a helpless duck.
The next day I called Atticus and asked if I could come by for a chat. He said I could stop by anytime. Annie had another month before she had to return to work. In the meantime, after returning from their honeymoon, they were enjoying a quiet life with Scout.
Annie answered the door upon my arrival, all smiles as she welcomed me inside. “Atticus said you were stopping by. You know you don’t have to call first?”
“I know. But there’s something important I wanted to talk to him about. Actually, both of you if you have time to join us?”
She pushed copper curls away from her face. “Sure. Can I get you anything? Atticus is on the patio.”
I declined the offer of food or drink and headed outside. Atticus sat under the shade of the awning, Scout at his feet. They both looked up as we approached. Scout ambled to her feet to come over and give my hand a kiss. I knelt to give her a good pet before sitting next to my oldest brother. Annie scooted in next to her husband to share the love seat.
“What’s going on?” Atticus asked. “You look like the weight of the world’s on your shoulders.”
“I need your help. Or advice, as the case may be.”
“Whatever you need, I’m here.” My oldest brother gave me one of his gentle, encouraging smiles. All my life, he’d been my hero and still was.
“I’d like to preface all of this with a confession,” I said. “I’m in love with Sammie.”
Neither Atticus nor Annie said anything, simply nodded, as if this didn’t surprise them in the least.
“I told her how I felt last night.”
“Well done,” Atticus said.
“What did she say?” Annie leaned forward slightly, her eyes ablaze with clear delight.
“She told me why she’s really here,” I said. “And it’s not good.”
“Go on,” Atticus said.