Page 6 of Marrying My Ex's Boss
“I see, well?”
“If you must know, I left to follow your future granddaughter-in-law.”
“Who is she? Name, occupation, I’ll have my people do the rest.”
“Nope, we’re not doing that this time.”
“And why not?”
“Because I’ve got a feeling about her.”
“Yes, there’s something else you should know. Her husband works for us, and he’s having an affair with Melanie.”
“Wait a minute, what? She’s married?”
“Keep your nose outta my shit, old man, or I’ll be on my plane back to the desert before sunrise.”
“Okay-okay, calm down. I guess I’ll see you…?”
“Whenever my girl’s ready to head back to the city.” I hung up before he could ride my ass to death and tried to settle down in the bed.
I smiled as I turned on my side away from the door. I’ll have to teach my girl how to be a better sneak. She sounded like the stormtroopers coming down the damn hallway with her nosy self.
* * *
* * *
I can’t make one lick of sense of the conversation I just overheard. ‘So why are you blushing?’ Shut your ass up, Justice, I’ve had about enough of you.
‘Fine, I’ll come back when he has you spread out like a roasted chicken.’ I would bitch slap him if it wouldn’t give me a headache. Thankfully, there was nothing left to stimulate him, so he went on his merry way for the night, leaving me alone with my thoughts.
Did he really just say all that to his grandfather? His namesake? The man who owns half of everything in the state? The man who puts fear in my soon-to-be ex-husband’s withered heart? And what did he mean by future granddaughter-in-law?
I fanned myself and went back to bed half sobered up. I’d heard his phone ring and thought it in my best interest to eavesdrop. I mean, anybody can fake an ID these days, and though he looks similar to the rare pictures I’d seen, that was a long time ago, and those pictures were of a younger version of him.
For all I know, he could be some serial killer that I let into my house. I thought it would take me forever to fall asleep, but I was out before my head touched the pillow.
When I woke up in the morning, it took me a second to remember where I was. Then, the smell of bacon and eggs reached me, and I sat up and headed for the bathroom and a much-needed shower.
When I came back out, there were bags with the name of an exclusive boutique sitting on the chair next to my bed. I don’t recall seeing them there before; I would’ve noticed. There were so many of them they were falling off the chair. It’s a big chair.
Out of curiosity, I opened one of the bags and pulled out the white pair of shorts that just felt rich. I’ve always wanted to try the things from that particular brand, but Paul always claimed it was too expensive even with his high-paying job, and since we had three kids to provide for, I always gave in.
Now I know he needed the money to pay for hotels and weekend getaways, along with a whole lot of other shit for his little girlfriend. I shrugged and pulled on the shorts over the French-cut silk panties and tried the bra I found in another bag. I paired the shorts with a Chanel top that I found in one of the other bags.
I walked down the stairs, and my stomach growled. He must’ve heard me coming because he turned as soon as I walked into the kitchen.
“Pretty, I was worried about the fit, but it’s perfect. Breakfast will be ready soon.”
He went back to cooking, and I sat at the table wondering what the hell chapter of my life this was.
I’d already done the happily ever after, married my dream guy. So why was this man ringing all my bells? ‘You know damn good and well why, Ms. Minaj. It’s that anaconda you spent the whole night eyeing.’
‘Fuck off, Justice; I’m not going to tell you again.’