Page 123 of Hunger
An older vampire then. Typically, the longer a vampire lived, the less they recalled they’d been human once, too.
Panic coated my insides. I swallowed thickly.
“You’re thirsty.” He bent forward, then came upright again. I heard a cap being unscrewed from a plastic bottle, the sound loud in the hush. “Would you like water?”
“Yes, please,” I said as meekly as I could. If I had to kiss this man’s ass, I would. Whatever it took to keep my baby alive and well.
“M’sieur,” he corrected.
I dug my nails into my palms. “M’sieur.”
A thin smile. “That’s better. You can have this water, but first, you have to do something for me.”
I licked dry lips. “What, M’sieur?”
“You will record a message for me.”
“What message?” This time, I didn’t tack on the M’sieur, but he didn’t call me on it.
“Tell her, Esposito.”
I jolted. Someone else was in here, too?
“She needs a drink, first.” A male voice.
“A sip, no more.”
“Got it.”
Footsteps in the darkness, coming in my direction, then Esposito hunkered down before me. Human—his skin didn’t have that moon-like glow. I couldn’t make out his features, though. Actually, I hadn’t even seen him crouch; I’d sensed his motion.
“They’re not going to hurt you or the baby as long as you do what you’re told,” he told me.
Yeah, right.
I lifted my chin. “Water, first.”
Something cold touched my arm and I flinched, until I realized it was a water bottle. I grabbed it and took a couple of gulps before he snatched it out of my hand.
“Just a sip, I said,” he muttered.
“I was thirsty,” I said as contritely as I could, adding, “Thank you.”
I sensed rather than saw his shrug. “I have a phone here. He wants you to make a video.”
The camera came on, set to film a video selfie, painfully bright in the darkness. I had to close my eyes for a few seconds.
When I opened them again, the light illuminated enough of Esposito’s face to see his deep-set eyes and curly dark hair touched with silver. I was pretty sure he was the man who’d been driving the SUV. He looked familiar, but maybe he was from Lilith Island, someone I’d seen but never met. About 15,000 people lived on the island, too many to know everyone personally, especially a man thirty or forty years older than me.
Esposito noticed me eyeing him and withdrew his head further into the darkness. That was encouraging, actually. If he didn’t want to be recognized, then he believed I’d be alive to identify him.
On the other hand, he was only a human servant. Who knew what the vampire intended?
“A video?” I asked.
“To send to Talon. Instructions.”