Page 13 of Hunger
I felt the usual tingle in my belly at having him so near. I’d missed him, which was so fucked up.
I hated how susceptible I was to him, how starved I’d been for his touch, his earthy male scent. His rare, slow smile.
“My mom and dad?” I blurted before he had a chance to read me. “They’re okay?”
His heavy brows pulled together. “Yeah.”
“And my sister?”
“Freya? She’s fine, I guess. Still in Halifax as far as I know—I don’t keep tabs on her.”
“Good.” Tears filled my eyes. I was just so relieved. Plus, I cried a lot these days. I swiped the moisture away. “That’s good.”
He took hold of my chin, making me look back up at him. “You’re crying.”
I drew a ragged breath. “It’s nothing. Hormones.”
His expression darkened. “You thought I’d hurt them to punish you?”
I swallowed, the sound loud in the quiet bedroom. “No.”
“Don’t lie. You know I can sense it.”
“Fine, then. I wondered, all right? I know how angry you and Brien must be with me. How bad I made you look, and I was afraid you’d take it out on them—”
Talon released me. “The primus,” he said, emphasizing his friend’s title, “has kept what you did quiet. Everyone thinks you left with our permission.”
I blinked. “He did? But why?”
“We would’ve looked weak.” His mouth twisted. “You spying on us like that and then escaping without punishment.”
“Oh.” The faint hope that I’d been forgiven shriveled. My shoulders slumped. “Of course. And the baby?”
His gaze dropped to my abdomen. I covered it protectively.
I didn’t mean to. Instinct made me do it, just like when I’d come back to consciousness at my apartment and found Talon touching me, his expression possessive. I’d spent the past few months terrified that when the syndicate found out about my baby, they’d take him or her away to punish me.
Talon’s gaze snapped back to mine. “Fuck, Eden. I’m not going to hurt you or the baby.”
I rolled my lips in. I couldn’t seem to help messing things up with this man. “I know.”
At least, I knew he wouldn’t hurt either of us physically. But would he let me keep the baby? That was the fear that had made me run, that still had me jolting awake, heart racing, sweat beading my forehead.
He expelled a breath through his teeth. “You’re tired. We’ll continue this tomorrow. Just tell me one thing. The child—it’s mine, isn’t it?”
It wasn’t really a question. His voice barely went up at the end. But I knew he still wanted an answer, and he’d know if I lied. Like he’d said, he could sense it; vampires have built-in lie detectors where humans are concerned.
But damn him for asking. He knew it was his.
He knew there’d been no one but him for the past year.
He might’ve well slapped me. I recoiled, my hand flying to my abdomen.
“Yes,” I said between tight lips. “There was no one else, and you know that. When would I have even had a chance to—?” I shook my head. “And if you don’t believe me, check your goddamn cams.”
He nodded, satisfied. “I believe you.”
I ground my back teeth together. “That was some kind of a truth test, wasn’t it?”