Page 153 of Hunger
“I wish I’d known Lemaire had sold Eden into blood slavery,” Brien said. “I’d have kept him around long enough to get a name out of him.”
“The buyer could even be on a nearby island,” Cain said.
If he’s not on Lilith Island itself.
I shook off the stray thought, telling myself not to be paranoid. But Lilith Island wasn’t impregnable—it was too large for that. Yeah, we restricted access, but it wasn’t a fortress. And even the most secure fortress can be breached. Brien’s mother had been slain within sight of Castle Leclerc.
Uneasiness whispered up my spine. Maybe I shouldn’t have left Eden.
They can’t get to her. She’s not even their main target.
Somehow, I wasn’t reassured.
Our destination came into view and Gianna spoke into her mic. “Where should I put her down, my lord?”
“There.” Brien pointed to the smoldering shed. “Near the fire. We’ll start at their lair and work outward. There may have been an exit or tunnel we missed.”
“Very good, sir.” She touched down on a flat patch of grass about fifty meters from the building’s charred remains.
“Keep the motor running,” Brien ordered. “We may have to leave in a hurry.”
“Roger that.”
Brien, Cain and I ripped off our headsets and jumped out. As Cain shut the door, he told Gianna, “This door stays shut, understand? We don’t know how powerful this bastard is. He could be lurking in the shadows, waiting to hitch a ride.”
“Yes, sir,” she said.
The second bird touched down and three enforcers, all vampires, exited. We divided the island into six sections and set off at a run.
Twilight pulled a chair up to the bed where I lay staring at the ceiling. She’d taken a shower and changed into baggy joggers and a cropped silver tee. She looked fresh and rested while I probably looked like crap.
“My halmoni says you’re having trouble sleeping.”
I scooted higher on the pillows, bringing the duvet with me. “She shouldn’t have bothered you. I’m fine, really.”
Just tense and afraid to sleep because they might come for me again. I knew it wasn’t rational. I was safe now, the castle on high alert. There was a guard stationed in the hall outside Talon’s apartment, and Twilight’s intimidating grandmother in the living room. No one was going to hurt me or the baby.
Twilight tipped her head to the side. “Did you get any sleep at all?”
“Not really.”
“Wanna talk about it?”
I started to say no, then changed my mind. “Yeah, maybe. Lemaire…” I took a ragged breath. “He told me he’d sold me and the baby. Talon—Talon wouldn’t have known where we were. He would’ve thought I left him—again. That I didn’t want to be with him. And the baby would’ve been born a slave.”
“Well, fuck that.” Twilight sat next to me on the mattress and pulled me into a hug. “You’re safe, and Brien and the guys will get whoever it is.”
“I hope so. I would’ve killed myself first.”
“No, you wouldn’t have. You would’ve thought of the baby.”
“You’re right.” I pinched the bridge of my nose, horrified at myself. “I can’t believe I said that.”
“Hey.” She squeezed my shoulders. “It’s okay. It’s only me here and I understand.”