Page 161 of Hunger
“The fuck you will.” Stygian gave Twilight a vicious shake. “The bitch stays.”
For a few seconds, his attention was on Twilight. It was the chance I’d been waiting for. Palming the switchblade, I stumbled forward, pressing the catch. The switchblade snicked out. I kept going.
Twilight tried to catch me. Stygian swore and dragged her backward.
I kept going. His gaze flicked to the switchblade, and he shifted Twilight to his other side, leaving his attention torn between us for a crucial second.
I lunged forward, aiming for his stomach, but he managed to twist so that the blade sank into his upper thigh instead. His breath hissed in. He shoved me away, and I let go of the switchblade, leaving it in his thigh.
This time I stumbled for real, arms flailing, and smashed into the coffee table. I started going over but managed to wrench my body around so that I sat down—hard—on the wood-and-copper tabletop.
Twilight erupted, snatching Stygian’s weapon, flipping him over her shoulder to the hard wooden floor and staking him with his own blade. He slid to the floor, the hole she’d made in his chest already smoking with an unearthly fire.
She took a couple of steps toward me. Then her hands went to her head, her face contorted in pain. “Hurts…everywhere.”
I started to go to her, then groaned and doubled over as pain shot up my side.
She stumbled forward one more step, then collapsed to the floor in slow motion—knees, hands, body, head—and went limp.
A broken doll of a person.
“Twilight? You okay?” My body started to shake. Pressing a hand to my side, I lifted my head, willing her to answer me. “Please tell me you’re okay.”
When she didn’t move or speak, I gritted my teeth and tried again to stand.
That’s when the apartment door slammed open. Talon burst into the living room, Brien and Cain on his heels.
“Talon?” Eden swayed on her feet, a hand to her side.
My heart ricocheted into my throat. “I’ve got you.”
I scooped her up and sat with her on the couch as Brien shot past us to where his mate lay crumpled on the floor.
“Are you okay?” My gaze went to where Eden pressed a hand to her abdomen. Shards of fear scraped my lungs. “Please, angel. Tell me you’re okay.”
“I’m not sure.” She leaned against me, and I felt her trembling. “But I think it’s just a pulled muscle.”
“Okay. Okay. Take it easy.” Easing an arm around her shoulder, I sent a desperate look at Cain. “Get Olivia back down here.”
He nodded and whipped out his phone.
“What the fuck happened?” Brien lowered himself to the opposite side of the couch, Twilight cradled in his lap. “Drink, love,” he crooned. When she didn’t respond, he gently cupped the back of her skull, pressing her mouth to his throat.
“Stygian,” Eden told Brien. “He stabbed her.”
Cain finished his quick conversation with Olivia and looked at Eden. “Stygian? Who’s that?”
“No idea,” she said. “But Twilight seemed to know who he was.”
“SI,” Brien said under his breath.
I met his eyes over the top of Eden’s head. “Could be. Working with Lemaire?”
Brien made an angry sound. “Wouldn’t be the first time. Did this Stygian mention anyone else?” he asked Eden.