Page 177 of Hunger
A few final contractions, and Olivia declared that I was all done. She cleaned me up, brushed my hair and helped me into a soft nightgown that buttoned up the front, a gift from Twilight.
“You can send everyone in,” I told the midwife.
Talon had taken Jude. He placed the baby back in my arms as a mix of humans and vampires crowded into the birthing room.
Twilight returned with Brien and Cain, all three appearing pleased at the new edition to the syndicate.
My parents came next, Mom with an armful of flowers and Dad with a tin of my homemade cookies. They’d received special permission to enter the syndicate’s underground lair. They hugged me and Rio, who’d become an unofficial member of the family.
Talon rubbed my shoulder, then shook Brien and Cain’s hands, accepting their congratulations with a smile. Champagne was uncorked, both blood-infused and the human kind, along with orange juice for me.
Glasses were raised and Brien toasted first me, then the baby, then Talon. Then it was Cain’s turn. I was surprised to see him here, actually. Nazaire had surfaced in Quebec City again, and Cain had spent the last couple of weeks off-island, doing some sort of hush-hush investigation.
For once, Cain’s lips didn’t have that cynical twist. He appeared genuinely happy for both me and Talon. “To my best and oldest friend,” he told Talon, “and your beautiful mate. Your baby is blessed to have you as parents. I hope you’ll let me be an honorary uncle.”
He directed the question to me. Talon was already nodding, but I raised my orange juice to Cain. “Of course.”
Cain’s gaze moved to the baby in my arms, and his face softened. For a few seconds, he looked almost human.
My mom finished her champagne and held out her glass out for more. Rio obliged, and mom raised her glass to me. “A Valentine’s Day baby—that’s lucky.”
Everyone drank to that, then Mom handed off her glass to Rio and snapped several shots of me and the baby to send to Freya.
Talon sat on the bed next to me and took my left hand in his. “Eden, you already accepted my mate bond.”
I eyed him, puzzled. “Yeah—?”
“But I’ve been waiting until tonight to give you this.” He produced a gorgeous ring—a flawless oval sapphire on a simple gold band—and slid it on my left ring finger. “It reminds me of your eyes,” he murmured.
I rolled my lips in and blinked rapidly. I hadn’t cried in weeks, and I wasn’t going to now.
“Sweetheart?” My beautiful, broody vampire looked panicked. “What? Why are you upset?”
I pressed a kiss to his mouth. “I’m not upset. I’m happy.”
His arm came around my shoulders. “I love you too. And I was thinking about what you said,” he said in an undertone.
“About turning me?” He’d been reluctant at first, worried about the danger to me, but I’d convinced him it was what I wanted.
“Yeah. Whenever you’re ready.”
I nodded. I’d already made up my mind that I wanted it soon. When Jude Talon wasn’t nursing anymore. The stronger I was, the less likely someone would kidnap me again to use me against Talon and the syndicate.
Talon was worried that my parents would object, but it wasn’t up to them, was it? And they’d come around. This was my world now and we all knew it.
I leaned my head against Talon, smiling around at everyone as my mom and Twilight approached to admire the ring.
“I think we need another round of champagne,” Rio said.
Talon’s chest rumbled in laughter. “I like how you think, kid. Order it.”
Rio pulled out his phone. “On it, boss.”
Cain grimaced. “Sorry, but I can’t stay.” He raised his fist and Talon bumped it.
“When will you be back?” Talon asked.
Cain gave him an odd-half smile. “Can’t say.”