Page 3 of Hunger
When I obeyed, he removed the heavy backpack while I stood passively, letting him move me around like I was a doll with flexible limbs for him to position as he pleased. Inside, my mind worked desperately, searching for a way out.
I couldn’t let Talon take me back. If it were only me, I’d woman up, accept my punishment. But this wasn’t just about me. There was the baby, too.
And I’d messed up, big time. Rio had no idea.
If I were a man, I’d probably already be dead.
But I was a woman, a former thrall pregnant with Talon’s child, even if he didn’t know it. If the syndicate found out, they might take my baby away from me. I was in that much trouble.
And if they took my baby, I might as well be dead.
Talon put the pack on a stool next to the kitchen island. I bent to pick up the apples and canvas bag. By some miracle the eggs hadn’t broken.
“Leave it,” Talon told me, but I’d already put the apples back in the bag. With a scowl, he took the bag from me and placed it on the island.
I sent the groceries a longing look. They represented independence. As a thrall, I’d never even had to step foot in a kitchen. I mean, I’d liked it—who wouldn’t? But that wasn’t me. Being pampered like that had felt strange, like I was playing at being a grownup.
At least Rio could use the groceries. His job bussing tables at a hipster restaurant paid his share of the bills, but what he really wanted was to be a chef. He was saving up to take classes at ICE, a fancy culinary institute in lower Manhattan.
“Just let me get my wallet and phone.” I turned the backpack so I could unzip the outer pocket.
Because when I escaped—and I would—a wallet and phone would make things a helluvalot easier.
Talon’s strong fingers landed heavily on my nape. “No.”
He turned me and marched me toward the front door…which was blocked by a pair of syndicate soldiers in leather jackets and chinos.
I started in surprise.
So there had been someone in the shadows. Two someones, in fact—Adrian and Nathan. You’d think after almost three years as a syndicate thrall, I would’ve sensed them, but I hadn’t. I’d been too focused on getting myself, my ever-expanding belly, and the groceries up the stairs.
Talon’s grip on my nape tightened. He must think the tiny jerk I’d given was me trying to get away.
My insides clenched. He could snap my neck so easily.
But he wouldn’t, unless he decided that was my punishment for running away. Talon didn’t act impulsively. He took his time coming to a decision, and everything he did had a logical reason.
Which is how I knew that once he’d decided that all I was to him was a thrall—nothing more—he wouldn’t change his mind.
And I’d been damned if I’d stay with a vampire who’d vowed never to love a human. Who believed human DNA would contaminate his blood line.
Not that Talon had asked me to stay.
I cast Adrian and Nathan a beseeching look. Both men were dhampirs with vampire fathers and human mothers. Adrian was a slim, dark-haired guy who was supersmart about tech. He’d probably had a hand in tracking me down. Nathan was a by-the-book guy with short brown hair who looked kind of like Marcus Mumford. Talon would’ve brought him along as muscle.
Adrian folded his arms over his chest. Nathan just eyed me coldly, like we hadn’t grown up together. Adrian was from a small town in New Brunswick, but Nathan was from the island, same as me. We’d played together as kids.
My chest constricted. I suppose I deserved their unfriendly stares, but something about how they were looking at me slapped me out of the stunned hopelessness that had descended on me along with Talon’s grip on my neck.
As we passed the couch, I dug in my heels. For some reason, Talon allowed it, and we came to a halt. Outside, the elevated train at the end of the block rumbled by, vibrating the floorboards.
I turned my head toward Talon. “At least let me pack a bag.”
Maybe I could still climb out that bedroom window.
His expression darkened like he’d read my mind. He couldn’t, but he could read my emotions. He’d probably detected my surge of hope. “We’ll buy you anything you need.”
He palmed the base of my skull, forcing me to look forward. He propelled me the rest of the way to the door. Adrian and Nathan unfolded their arms and moved aside.