Page 54 of Hunger
“Nothing.” Her smile was triumphant. “He won—big. He bought me this.” She pushed up the sleeve of her sweater to show me a delicate gold chain dotted with what looked like real diamonds.
“Huh.” My stomach twisted. Esposito only gave her gifts when he wanted something.
Her mouth turned down in disappointment. “That’s all you have to say?”
“It’s pretty,” I made myself add.
She pulled the sleeve back over her wrist again. “He asked about you, you know.”
Ah. “What did he want to know?”
“How you were, that sort of stuff. I told him you were a lieutenant now, and he said to tell you congratulations.”
“Tell him I said thanks,” I said, to make her happy.
Esposito would be asking for more money any day now. He always needed money. Maybe he really had won big this time, although it wouldn’t be the first time he’d lied to my mom about it. But even if he had, what he hadn’t spent buying her presents, he would’ve lost at cards.
“Did he say anything else?”
“Just that he’d be in touch. He’s changed, Talon. If you spent some time with him, you’d see. He wants to be a father to you.”
I stared at her. If Esposito had actually changed, then I was an eight-legged kraken. But he was her weakness; she’d always see him through rose-colored glasses.
And she’d always choose him over me.
I’d had enough. I pushed back my chair and rose to my feet. “I have to go. But if you hear from him, let me know, is that clear? This is important.”
She rose, too. “Sure, honey. You can count on me.”
No, I can’t. And I never could.
In fact, until I’d met Cain and later, Brien, the only person I could truly count on was myself. But what was the point in saying it? I’d only hurt her, and it wouldn’t change anything.
I rounded the table and squeezed her shoulder. “You got everything you need?”
“Yeah, I’m good,” she said, reaching for another cigarette. “Love you, sweetheart.”
“Love you, too.”
I’d ridden my motorcycle from the castle. She followed me onto the narrow porch and leaned against the porch rail, smoking the cigarette, as I rode off.
As soon as I was back in my apartment, I sent for Eden, then poured myself a glass of blood-wine and sank onto the couch.
Eden appeared immediately like she’d been waiting for my summons. No ripped jeans and soft blue sweaters tonight, though. Tonight she wore tight, body-hugging black—leggings and a sleeveless top that showcased her full tits.
“Hey, there.” Her smile was tentative.
Holy fuck.
I stilled, the wine glass partway to my mouth.
It was Catwoman with short, dark-tipped yellow hair and a baby bump—and I’d always had a weakness for Catwoman.
Whatever Eden saw on my face made her smile broaden. She sauntered toward me.
I managed to unfreeze my vocal cords. “Hey,” I returned, and without taking my eyes from her, set my glass on an end table. As soon as she was close enough, I snagged her hips and practically dragged her between my knees.
She leaned into me, her hands on my shoulders. “I went to Olivia’s today. She says everything’s fine.”