Page 95 of Hunger
“Huh.” Her comment was like a shot of hope to my veins.
“And he didn’t forget what you said about dhampirs. He’s been pushing for a change in how the dhampirs are treated, starting with promoting Adrian to enforcer. Brien agreed—the announcement will be made in a few days.”
“He didn’t say anything to me.”
“Maybe he’s waiting until it’s a done deal.” She toyed with the stem of her wineglass. “You know, he wasn’t even interested in other thralls until it was clear you’d gone of your own free will. And then he didn’t seem to care who he fucked—I think he was just trying to forget you.”
“You think?”
“Yeah. Every time I saw him, he was with a different thrall.”
The hope expanded, spreading to my chest. Maybe Talon had cared more than I’d realized?
And then I’d ruined it by leaving like that.
“Why are you telling me this?” I asked Twilight.
“Because Talon won’t.”
Yeah, that sounded like Talon. “You’re probably right about that. But why do you care?”
“Honestly?” She leaned back on her stool to eye me. “I’m not sure. Except that I like you for some goddamn reason.”
“You do? But why?”
She lifted a shoulder, let it drop. “I like how you handled yourself in that meeting with me and Brien. You were straight with us and your apology was sincere, but you didn’t let us push you around. And you’re smart. For someone with no training in covert ops, you were damn hard to find.”
I moved the mug in a slow circle on the bar. “That was partly Eugene Smith—he got me the fake ID. I think he wanted to use me down the road, maybe to draw Talon off the island. I’m lucky he got staked when he did. I was always on edge, thinking he was going to catch up to me—him or Talon.”
I hadn’t even gone out at night unless I couldn’t help it.
“They wouldn’t have ever let you go free. Once they have something on you…” A shadow crossed her face. “Trust me, I know. They were blackmailing me, too. That’s why I was here in the first place. And Eugene didn’t get staked—Brien ripped the prick’s head off.” Her smile was all vampire. “He made the mistake of touching me in front of Brien.”
At the visual, I gave a queasy swallow, but I couldn’t help being relieved that Eugene was in his final grave. Who knew what he would’ve forced me to do next?
“I was so damn stupid,” I muttered.
“You weren’t the only one. They got to Avril, too.”
“Brien’s PA?”
“Yeah. She’s gone—Brien banished her from Maritime territory.”
My eyes widened. “That’s harsh.”
“Not when she almost got him staked. Any other primus would’ve slit her throat.”
“Oh.” I gulped and subsided.
There was a short silence, then Twilight said, “So why’d you do it?”
I shrugged and shook my head.
“Because of the baby?” she asked.
I hesitated, but maybe Twilight deserved to know—my actions had impacted her, after all.
“Yeah. I wanted off the island before anyone found out.” Before Talon found out. “Eugene didn’t know, of course.”