Page 13 of Never Been Tamed
This woman has legitimately made me smile and laugh several times. The fact that she only wants one night with me intrigues me and turns me on even more. I am surprised that she doesn’t want to take me back to her place. Most women love to have you in their space, showing you how domesticated they are and how cute they decorate. It’s like they think one night of hot sex and a cute home will make the sex become a real relationship.
“Let’s go.” My voice is hoarse as I lead her to the side of the road to hail a taxi. I’ll have to text Ethan once we’re in the back of a cab and let him know my participation in karaoke night is not going to happen.
“So, where are we going?” she asks breathlessly. “To your place?”
I pause for a few seconds, debating whether or not to take her back to my penthouse. I don’t want her to get any ideas, even if she is driving me crazy.
“No.” I shake my head. “A hotel.”
“You’re not from the city?” she asks in surprise. “You were with Ethan Rosser, though, right? How do you know him?”
I frown as I take in her words. She knows Ethan? How on earth does she know him? I feel cold inside. Is this woman a better actress than I thought?
“You’re friends with Ethan?” I ask her, trying not to go into interrogation mode. I speak calmly and slowly, pretending her answer doesn’t mean anything to me.
“I wouldn’t say I know him, but I’ve seen him in the paper,” she says too quickly for my liking, like she’s been practicing how to answer this question if it came up. “It’s not like I wanted to be the one to take him off of the market.” She pauses and makes a face. “Or any man, for that matter. I have more important things to focus on in life than trying to bag a man.”
I want to ask her what she’s focusing on, but I don’t. It’s not like I care about her dreams and goals. She’s just another pretty, okay, I admit to myself, beautiful woman in a bar. A distraction from my father’s incessant calls and the duty that I know awaits me as a Pruitt.
I hold my hand out and flag down a taxi before I can talk myself out of it. A yellow cab screeches to a halt next to us, and I open the back door and nod for her to get in. I watch Zara slide into the back and then get in beside her. She looks a little nervous, though there’s a confident tilt to her chin as she looks at me.
“Where to?” the driver snaps, and for a brief moment, I want to take her to my home. I want her in my bed, looking up at me with her big, wide eyes and crazy curls.
“The Plaza,” I say a moment later and then pull her onto my lap. “We’ve got some fancy hotel sheets to get dirty.”
Dear Sandra,
I know I told you I would never have a one-night stand. I know I told you I didn’t believe in casual sex, but I was wrong. Oh, so wrong. There’s something so freeing about giving yourself completely to a man and having no inhibitions. No concerns over jiggling thighs or flopping bellies, or sagging boobs. No thoughts over whether or not I shaved well or smell. When you have a one-night stand, you do not care, nor do they. It’s carnal and pure lust. And it’s a feeling that can’t be beat.
Though I don’t know if that’s because I had a one-night stand itself. Or because it was with Zeus. Oh, glorious, demanding, and incredibly well-endowed Zeus.
Miss you,
Zeus has his arms around my waist and his lips on my neck. His fingers are running up and down my stomach, and I can feel his hardness against my ass. However, all I can think about is the way his entire body language changed when I mentioned Ethan Rosser’s name. Like he thought I was some sort of groupie that had been after Ethan because he was the most eligible bachelor in the city. Maybe he’s a someone as well and now subsequently thinks I am after him. Even though I have no clue who he is.
I am peeved, but not enough to tell the taxi driver to pull over and let me out.
“You smell like honey.” Zeus blows into my ear as his hands creep up, pull down my bra cups, and squeeze my breasts. I quite like the feel of his palms as they rub against my nipples, but I’m fully aware of the fact that the driver keeps checking his rearview mirror and has a front row seat to everything that is going on. I am not going to think about it.
“Honey?” I giggle as I wiggle on his lap, enjoying the hard feeling pushing up on my ass. He pinches my nipples, and I shiver as he pushes his other hand downward toward the top of my jeans. I swat it away, not because I don’t want this man making me come as quickly as possible, but because I don’t know if the camera I noticed on the dashcam is recording. I do not want to find myself plastered on some taxi driver porno site. Well, any porn site, to be honest.
“Intoxicatingly sweet,” he growls, and I moan as the tips of his fingers quickly undo the button on my jeans and find their way between my legs. I close my eyes and give in to the frissons of pleasure coursing through my body. “So you are wearing panties,” he growls as he rubs the thin material and shifts me on his lap so his fingers can move down further.
I lean my head back on his shoulder, and I feel him slip two fingers inside my panties. I bite down on my lower lip as he finds my wetness, and I close my eyes. I can dissect all the bad decisions I make tomorrow. Maybe I’ll even include this adventure in my online love column. It’s an anonymous column, so it’s not like anyone in my real life would find out and judge me. The only two people that know I write the column are Lila and Elise and I’ll tell them about tonight anyway.Elise will be shocked to hear that her “nun-like” older sister has finally gotten some with a stranger. Lila will probably dance a jig.
“Oh, the things I’m going to do to you.” Zeus squeezes my hips and moves me back up against him, and I gasp as he bounces me on his lap, on his hardness as he rubs my clit gently. Zeus is not playing around and I am enjoying the ride. I can feel the cool air on my breasts as he continues touching me, and then I make the mistake of opening my eyes. I see the taxi driver gawking, and I look away quickly. My face heats up, and I squeeze Zeus’s wrist. I turn to look at him and pull my bra back up. I nod toward the taxi driver, and Zeus chuckles as he pulls his fingers out, and I quickly button up my jeans. I’m disappointed that he’s no longer touching me, but I’m not drunk enough to orgasm in full view of someone else. He’s already seen far too much. Instead, I shift on Zeus’s lap and kiss him. There’s something about making out with a hot stranger that can make time stand still.
The taxi pulls over about ten minutes later and screeches to a halt.
“Here. That’ll be twenty-five dollars.” He grunts, and Zeus pulls out a hundred-dollar bill and hands it to him.
“Keep the change,” he says as if a seventy-five-dollar tip is nothing. He lifts me off his lap and jumps out of the taxi, holding the door open for me and grinning as we get out. “Welcome to Fifth Avenue.” He winks as he slams the door shut, and I gaze up at the bright lights on the awning of The Plaza Hotel. There are five flags above the entrance hanging proudly. I take a deep breath as he takes my hand and guides me toward the stairs so we can enter. An elderly doorman in a long black blazer with gold trim rushes to open the door to let us in. He nods slightly and Zeus thanks him as he hands him another hundred-dollar bill.