Page 23 of Never Been Tamed
"I know. Thank you." I hang up quickly. I smile to myself. "That's going to cost him a fortune." And even though I know money means nothing to Zeus, it's still going to irk him to have all that food arrive in the morning and have to pay for it.
I am still in shock that he actually suggested that I would go to a store and make him breakfast like I owed him something. Yeah, the sex was amazing. And yeah, he had done things to me with his tongue that I didn't think were possible, but he’s a jerk. Why is it that I had to meet a grade-A jerk for my first one-night stand? I see that Lila has sent me several text messages, and I wonder if she's up. I call her number and hope that she's not sleeping.
"Hey," she says, yawning. "You okay?"
"What are you doing up?" I ask her.
"I couldn't sleep," she says. "I've been waiting to see what the reviews will say."
"What? What do you mean what the reviews will say? You're not going to see them at four o'clock in the morning, Lila."
"I know, but I'm so nervous. It's going to make or break the entire production."
"I know. I'm sure it's going to be amazing," I lie. If there's one thing I'm sure about, that is not it.
"So, where are you?"
"I'm at The Plaza."
"Wow. That good-looking guy took you to The Plaza?"
"Yeah, but I'm leaving."
"Oh, no. What happened? Did you not have sex with him?"
"Yeah, I had sex with him," I say, giggling, "and it was amazing. But he's just another New York douchebag."
"Oh? What happened?"
"Hold on, let me just grab my stuff and I'm leaving." I head toward the door. I wonder if I should tell Zeus I'm on my way out, but I decide not to. I never want to see him again. I hurry out of the door and toward the elevator.
"Oh my gosh. Lila, you are not going to believe what happened."
"What happened?"
"To be honest, I don't even know. I was sleeping, and I woke up, and he was staring down at me, and he started questioning me like he was with the freaking FBI or something."
"Ooh. Do you think he's a covert spy?"
"No. No, I don't think he's a covert spy," I say. "He's just a jerk. Like Christian Bale in that one movie."
"What? American Psycho?" she says.
"Maybe. No, he wasn't a psycho like that, but he was rude. And I don't know who he thought I was, but he started questioning me like…" I sigh. "Anyway, I don't even want to talk about it anymore. I don't even want to think about him."
"Oh, I'm sorry that the night was so bad."
"It wasn't bad, bad. I mean, I'm not going to lie; he was the best sex I've ever had in my life."
"But what?" she asks.
"But I don't know that I'd do it again."
"Oh, why not?"
"Because he seemed like he had a couple of screws loose. And no offense to people who do have a couple of screws loose, but I don't like dealing with that."
"I know. Are you coming back home?"