Page 33 of Never Been Tamed
"You make me laugh, Lila. Why do I love you so much?"
"Because we're best friends forever. Nothing's ever going to break our bond."
"I know. I am so grateful for you." I reach out and squeeze her arm.
"I'm grateful for you. You’re the best friend anyone could ever have," she says. "But you know, maybe we should talk about…" She pauses as I glare at her.
"Please don't bring up Sandra again." I wince as I say my childhood best friend's name. My heart thuds at the memories.
"Okay," she says. "I won't bring her up. At least not today."
"Thank you, Lila." I stare at her. "Now, will you grab my laptop? I'm going to see what jobs are available online."
"Sounds good. Are you sure it's okay for me to go to this breakfast? I don't want to leave you with the kids. I assume you will want peace and quiet. I know you're going to need time and space and…" She waves her hands around. “This can end up being a madhouse.”
"It's fine," I say. "I'll be fine. If I need your help, I'll let you know. And hopefully, Elise will be back soon." I groan as I see my phone ringing. "Speak of the devil,” I mumble, waving my phone at Lila and then answering. “Hey, Elise. Where are you?" There’s an edge to my voice, but I try to hold in my anger.
"Hey, sis. Miss you.” She's giggling, and I feel myself tensing. This is not a situation I find humorous at all.
"Elise, where are you?"
"Atlantic City, bitch."
"Elise." My patience is wearing thin. “The kids will be home soon. You need to come?—”
"Hey, I'm going to be gone for the week. Take care of my babies." She hangs up before I can respond, and I look at Lila and sigh.
“When she gets back, she’s getting a job,” I say emphatically. “Her gravy train is done. She needs to get a job and a place and become a responsible adult.”
“Yes!” Lila agrees, her voice stern. “It’s time for her to stop using you. When is she back home?”
“She says a week, but knowing her, it could be a month.” I groan loudly and close my eyes. There’s a pounding in my head that won’t go away. I want to crawl into bed, go back to sleep, and pretend everything is okay. I want to cry into my pillow and scream. I just need one thing to go right in my life. I’m stressed and nervous, and I’m hurt by Zeus. I don’t want to think about him, but I can’t help but remember the way he touched me. The way our bodies sang together. I’d forgotten all my woes in those moments.
It felt like we were the only two people in the world.
And that world felt like a miracle.
I just wanted to go back to that moment.
But then I hear the doorbell ringing incessantly and the sounds of young giggles, and I know that the day is only just beginning. There’s no way that I can go lie down in bed and feel sorry for myself when I have to take care of and entertain two kids.
“The Pillarforte deal is set to close in two weeks. I got Louis to agree to a new payment structure. Ten million upfront and ten million once we close the deal with Bed, Sheets, & Sleep to get our items into every store across the USA and Canada.” Ethan taps his gold pen against the desk, and his eyes narrow. “Are you listening to me, Jackson?”
“Yes, the Pillarforte deal is done,” I repeat what my brain remembers. Though my mind is elsewhere. On a certain brunette with long, curly hair and a body that went on for days. “I told you you didn’t have to offer ten million upfront.”
“It was worth thirty all in.” Ethan shrugs. “Still would have been a great deal.”
“But Louis didn’t realize that.” I smirk. “He doesn’t know his numbers as well as he thinks he does.”
“Unlike you, you mean?”
“We both know I’m the best numbers man in the city.”
“Modest, aren’t you, Jackson?” Ethan laughs, and I grin. “I’m going to miss you if you ever leave.” Ethan leans forward, his face serious. “You know that, right?”