Page 58 of Never Been Tamed
"You're not going to want to hear this, but…"
"But what?"
"I was speaking to Lenny."
"And he says he'd be willing to buy some of your cupcakes, sell them at the bodega, and pay you."
"Pay me before or after they sell?"
"Pay you immediately."
"Really? I didn't know that."
"Because you never seem to want to hear it when I tell you you should make your cupcake business a thing."
"Because cupcakes are not going to make me money, not like law school. I have to retake the LSAT and get into a school in New York."
"Do you really want to be a lawyer though?"
"Lawyers make a lot of money. If I were a lawyer, we wouldn't have these issues."
"Yeah, I guess." She grabs my hands. "I mean, if that's what you really want."
"It is," I say, though there's a voice screaming at me, saying the last thing I want is to become an attorney. I ignore it though. I know lawyers make a lot of money, and some even do lots of pro bono that helps people who need it. If I could get a job where I make a lot of money and help people, that would make me feel amazing.
“So, tell me more about last night,” Lila says, but we both stop talking when we hear the sound of feet padding across the hardwood floors and look toward the bedroom. It's Luke. He's up, and he's rubbing his eyes.
"Morning," he says.
"Morning. You want some breakfast?"
He nods and heads over to the kitchen, opens the fridge, and takes out the carton of milk. "I'm just going to have some cereal," he says.
"Okay." I nod, smiling at him. I look at Lila, and she looks at me.
"Elise should be here," she says. "She's taking advantage of you, me, and both of us. She needs to be here for her kids."
"I know, but what can we do?"
"I guess not much at this moment," she says angrily. "You're looking for jobs today?"
I nod. "Yeah, but I guess I need to occupy the kids, so I guess I won't look until this evening and…"
"No." Lila shakes her head. "How about you relax this morning? Go and speak to Lenny at the bodega; see if he's still willing to pay you for your cupcakes, and then you can make them, and I'll take care of the kids."
"But Lila, I can't make you look after the kids, not when…"
"I'm your best friend," she says. "This whole thing goes both ways. You take care of me, and I take care of you. And then maybe I'll even help you make the cupcakes."
"Yeah, that would be amazing." I pause. "I have to make a lot of money, Lila. Frankie's going to evict us if we can't pay rent."
"How much do we owe?" She sounds nervous.
"I have to come up with two grand for now, but we owe him more."
"Two grand? Now I understand why you went to that club last night with the kids. Shit. Well, I don't think you'll get two grand from Lenny at the bodega, but it will be a start. We'll have to brainstorm later. Okay?"