Page 91 of Never Been Tamed
"What?" He says, smiling. "Are you or are you not my fiance?" He licks his lips and as I stare at him, I realize that he's paying me back for the situation with Lenny.
"Lenny is not anything to me." I moan. “I told you that.”
"I know he's not, and now you know he's not. You'll have time to think about me being inside of you and if you're lucky, I'll come back and I'll fuck you hard and fast just like you want." He licks his lips again. "Don't do anything I wouldn't do." And before I know what's happening, he's walked to the door and he's walked out and I'm left there on the bed naked and tied up.
I swear to God that man knows how to drive me crazy. And I know I have to think of a way to get him back.
"You've left me here for five hours," Zara glares up at me as I untie her from the bedpost. There’s fire in her eyes as I smile down and give her a kiss. She immediately pushes me away. "Just so you know, we are never having sex again."
I stare at her for a couple of seconds and grin. "So you're mad at me, huh?"
"Am I mad at you? That is the understatement of the year," she says that she reaches down to grab her clothes. "How could you do that to me?"
"How could I do what to you? I asked you, and you said, 'Sure.'"
"Because I thought it was going to be some sort of kinky, fun sex, not you leaving me tied up to a bed and leaving for five hours."
"Like I said, I just wanted you to think about if you wanted to be with me or if you wanted to be with Lenny."
"Jackson. There is no Lenny and me," she sighs. "And there's no you and me either," she hisses. "This is fake, remember?"
My heart thuds as I stare at her. She's correct. This is a fake engagement. And yet, she still means something to me. I still don't want to think about her with anyone else. "You're not allowed to date anyone else while we're engaged," I say. "I can't have it getting out that you're seen flirting with other men."
"Who am I going to flirt with? Your grandpa, or Henry?"
"By the way, my grandparents are here."
"I know," she hisses. "I heard them as they walked past. Someone even knocked on the door. Could you imagine what would've happened if someone walked in and saw me lying here?" She blushes. "Ugh. I am so mad at you."
"I'm sorry," I say. "Forgive me?" I give her my best innocent face, and she just shakes her head.
"I'm not buying that act, Jackson."
"Well, are you ready to meet everyone?"
"I guess. Is my sister here? Is Lila here?"
"No, they're not here yet. So there's something else I should tell you before we go down."
"What is it?" she asks, sighing.
"It's not just my grandparents that are here."
"What do you mean it's not just your grandparents?"
"Well, my grandma was very excited about the fact that I'm engaged and she invited a couple of people over."
"So I've got to meet some of your grandma's friends, right now?"
"Yeah, Maisy is here. That's her best friend, so you're going to want to be really nice to her because if Maisy loves you, my grandma will love you."
"Okay, so I'm meeting your grandma's best friend, Maisy. Is that it?"
I lick my lips and grasp her hands. "Don't be mad, but there are a few more people."