Page 2 of Highest Bidder
“Good for you. Becca in accounting again?”
He smirks, shakes his head, and says, “See you later.”
“I want details after.”
“I never kiss and tell.”
“You always kiss and tell, and that’s why we’re friends.”
He grins. “Better get moving. Madi’s coming your way.”
“Thanks.” I grab my gear and bolt for Callie’s desk. “Let’s go. Now.”
“I need a minute?—"
“Madi is trying to find me.”
Callie smiles brightly. “Right behind you.”
We bounce as fast as possible while not looking like we’re running away. Thankfully, the walk is short, because the rain is really coming down now. More rain, more frizz for me. But not Callie. Her perfect, stick-straight, shiny blond hair would be enough for me to hate her if she weren’t also a wonderful person with an enormous heart. She’s white and I’m pretty sure her family was on the Mayflower. She folds her umbrella neatly, while I jam mine into my side of the booth. After ordering, she asks, “What did you do to piss Madi off this time?”
“I did not give her my undivided attention, and it showed.”
She rolls her big brown eyes. “How dare you be so rude to a princess?”
I laugh and shake my head. “I know, right? How’re things in property law?”
“Oh, you know me. I love it. VC?”
“My venture capital courses in school gave me the idea I’d make a lot of money doing good things for people. Turns out, that’s a big fat lie. But being surrounded by people with too much money and not enough sense means I’m expected to dress and look like one of them, so not only do I have school loans to pay, but I also have credit card debt that makes me feel like I’m doing my part to increase the national debt.”
“It’ll get better, June. We’re both new at this. It just takes time.”
“You’re going to give me a sunburn, Callie. Stop being so sunny.”
She giggles and soon, our veggie burgers arrive. “Any word from Trent?”
“Why would I hear from him? We broke up a month ago.”
“I thought maybe he’d come to his senses.”
“Even if he had, I’m not interested.”
She shrugs and nibbles.
“What about you and Daniel Fisher? How are things there?”
Her smile grows brighter every time I say the man’s name. It’s sickening, but also kind of adorable. “We’re good. Actually, we’re going to a ball tonight.”
“An actual ball? Like with ballgowns and shit?”
“Formalwear, but yeah. It’s a charity auction to preserve an old Victorian mansion.”
“Sounds like …” A snooze fest. “… a good way to network.”
“It’s an excuse to dress up and drink champagne and spend time with Daniel and his friends.”
“Isn’t that weird, though? They’re all so old, and he’s a senior partner.”