Page 98 of Highest Bidder
“I still think it’s weird that there was no ransom.”
“Pretty sure he did it to show Dad he could do it. If he took someone closer in the family, that would have been a step too far in their game.” I can’t say the last word without every muscle in my body tensing. “This … they’re playing at something. I’m just not sure what it is.” I take a sip and a breath and try to sort through it. “There’s also the distinct possibility that he took you off the street in front of their home to show them that no one is untouchable.”
Her eyes lift at that. “Because if they take me from their expensive, seemingly safe neighborhood, then they can get anyone?”
I nod. “Whatever the case, no one in my family is safe. Not while Dad deals with people like Moeller.” And I mean to put a stop to that.
“It’s, um …”
“Do you think your dad had them do it? To scare me off of you?”
“No!” I almost drop my coffee at the thought, so I set it down and go to her, fighting the need to touch her still. But I need her to hear me on this. “Dad wasn’t exactly surprised that this happened, but he was more resigned than anything else. Like this was the cost of doing business. Dad keeps secrets, but he’s not a good liar. He would have screwed this up, if that were the case.”
She sighs and puts her head on my chest, so I take that for permission to hold her, and she melts against me. It feels incredible that she’s coming to me for comfort. I love it. But then she mumbles, “I’m sorry.”
I take her by the shoulders to look at her. “What for?”
She sniffles and her eyes are a little pink. “I didn’t want to think your dad would do this, but I had to ask. I didn’t mean to offend you?—"
A laugh pops right out of me, and I pull her in for a hug. “You didn’t. I promise. All options are on the table until we figure this out.”
“Thanks for understanding. This whole thing is just too weird. I keep spinning out, trying to figure out what I did wrong or?—"
“You did nothing wrong.” Other than pretending to be engaged to me. “Now, listen, I don’t know what Dad is involved in, but I’m going to find out. I don’t know how well either of us will sleep until we know what is actually going on.”
She nods and holds me tighter, and damn, if that’s not the best feeling in the world.
Chapter 46
God, he smells good. It’s not fair. I’m at my absolute lowest right now, and here he is, smelling like a million bucks. Or in his case, several million bucks.
I pull from the hug and smile at him, unable to stop myself from the smile. “Uh, so if we’re going to pretend like this never happened, I’m going to have to get ready for work?—"
“Eh, no.”
“We’re not pretending this didn’t happen?”
“No. You’re not going to work. You’re playing hooky today.”
I laugh. “I already missed yesterday and didn’t get to call them, so?—"
“On account of kidnapping,” he says, like I don’t know. “You get to take some time to deal with that, June. I’m guessing you never take days off as it is, right?”
“Well no, but?—"
“So, they owe you some leeway. Take it. Please.”
Why did he have to add the please? “Ugh. I’m such a sucker for a man who begs. Fine. I’ll stay home today.”
He grins. “That wasn’t begging.”
“I got a please out of you, of all people. I’m counting it.”
His laugh makes me warm inside. It’s like a cheat code to my body. Very unfair. “Call in with work, and we’ll order delivery and have naps, and we’ll figure things out as we go along. Do you mind if I shower?”