Page 2 of Timelessly Ours
I rub the back of my neck. “It was good to see you, Bruce.” I don’t bother waiting for his reply. My feet are already on the move, and I can’t stop them.
Her laugh is like a siren, and I’m awakened.
Her hair flips and her eyes stay focused on whatever it is Cora is telling her. Her skin is glowing. Her smile—though sensing some fakeness in it—is brilliant. I can only imagine what her real smile is like.
I’m looking for the badass no-nonsense Nicole Kane but I don’t see her. I see someone who looks nervous out of her mind. A little guilty possibly and ready to face it all.
Hell, what do I say to her? Ask her how she’s doing? Will she remember me?
Snap the fuck out of it, man. She’s not in the state of mind to be worried about who you are or what you say to her.
I've only met her on a few occasions... when her twin brother was babysitting his “troubled” sister. That’s what Nick used to say…no one ever used the words ‘drug and alcohol abusing sister’ on the team. Because no one knows for sure if she did drugs. Nick didn’t seem to think so. But alcohol was a definite.
Fuck, I should just leave her be. She’s braving enough of the ‘good to see you well’ and the ‘how are you…really?’
But when she meets my gaze, I'm caught.Whatever this is, whatever I’m feeling, it’s like she can sense it.
Because she’s giving me the exact. Same. Look.
She blinks away and turns back, giving her focus to a rambling Cora, who seems very apologetic about something. But Nicole watches her adoringly.
“Lovely seeing you ladies here,” I say, what I feel might be a good start since I can’t seem to make my mind work. I turn my focus down to the five-foot beauty. “Hi, Nicky.”
For a moment, I wonder if I’m overstepping by calling her what her brother calls her. But it’s also a gentle reminder to myself that she’s young. In many ways.
Those striking green eyes look up at me again. Any coyness I caught just seconds ago is gone and replaced with an aura of sheer confidence. The transformation is palpable.
My God, she’s beautiful. Captivating.
Her lip turns up and I fight not to let my eyes linger there. “Coach Collins. You lead a good team,” Nicole says, her tone somewhat guarded. Like she’s struggling to keep up with what I might expect.
I wink and give her a nudge as assurance she doesn’t have to do that. Not with me. “Sorry I’m returning your brother in one piece.”
There it is.
A real one. She releases a heart-melting breathy laugh and looks down coyly, brushing her hair behind her ear. “I’m sure you’ll make it up to me next time.” She winksback.
Holy. Shit.
I need to walk away. Right now.
I chuckle lightly and be sure to address both of them.“See you around.”
And I don’t go near her for the rest of the night. Because I’ve never felt so off-kilter.
Ow. Fuck. My head. I wince in pain.A…familiar pain.
No. Not this again.
No no no. Nicole…what did you do? What did you do?
I hear myself groan and stir in bed. I'm in a bed. Is it morning? Was it…only alcohol? And when did I… oh dear Lord, please tell me I’m in my own bed.
I hear another breath, but it's not mine. It's deep. Throaty. And maybe…angry?