Page 80 of Timelessly Ours
I craved the times I’d see him.
But I’m not ready to tell him this. Craving is obsessing and that’s borderline addiction.
But I want to answer his question—so I take the leap. “I wanted to share this with you because of my reaction last night. It was purely reflex—I didn’t mean to push you away.”
“Honey, you don’t have to explain anything to me,” he whispers, pulling my head against his lips and murmuring, “I’m so sorry.”
I turn my head up with a smile. “Don’t be. You broke my curse the moment you kissed me.”
He searches my eyes in disbelief, like I’ve just given him the greatest gift.
I’m like a hawk. I watch his every move, testing the waters. He and I are not a forever deal—I’m way too messed up to be anyone’s forever. But right now, he’s the only one I ever want touching me.
My fears vanish when he’s around. I can’t pass up my chance to ask. “Is there any chance, we could—”
“Was that your only time?” he asks.
“No. But I didn’t bother after the second. That was…five years ago.”
He doesn’t seem surprised by that at all. “Did either of them make you come?”
I almost laugh. “No.”
He considers that for a moment. “What were you going to ask me?”
I blink. “I was going to ask if we could pick up where we left off. With your fingers in my hair and—”
Instantly, his fingers find their way into my hair. “I want you so bad, Nicole…” The words almost sound painful. “I don’t want to hold what you shared with me against you but—I can’t…I can’t touch you.”
“Then don’t. Don’t touch me. Let me touch you.”
I stare at the most gorgeous woman I've ever seen. The one I’ve stolen plenty of glances with, but I will never stop being in aww of.
Just when I thought the hardest thing to do was keeping my hands and mind off places they shouldn’t be—Nicole presents a new challenge.
Try to deny her the one thing she’s begging me for.
Desire wins and my white flag goes up. “Fuck,” I growl, digging my fingers back into her hair because I’m not strong enough to refuse her. But I want her to know she’s in control of how we do this. “Come here. Sit on my lap.”
With one swoosh in the hot tub, she’s straddling me, eager for me and I don’t need to think twice. I don’t ask. I crush her lips with mine, loving the moan she releases each time I do.
Without fail.
She tastes like chocolate and heat. Hell, she tastes like there's no one else for her but me as she takes control of the kiss, her fingers digging into my hair and gripping the back of my neck.
She pulls back breathlessly. “Those last thirty seconds were better than anything I’ve experienced with anyone.” Her eyes drop to my arms which are firmly disciplined at my sides.
When her face falls. I lift her chin. “I have another confession, sweetheart.”
Her eyes lift with intrigue.
“When I was in Seattle…the other night, I checked Rory’s bedroom camera as I always do when I’m away. I like to make sure she’s asleep before I go to bed.
She smiles sweetly.
“But I accidentally got my bedroom instead. I have one in there for when she chooses to sleep in my bed instead of her own.”