Page 101 of The Runaway
“That’s what we call her. She’s Jackson’s nanny. I forget her actual name, Miller or Muffet?”
“Oh.” I watch as she scowls at the kids. Jackson who was happy as a clown just moments ago is now sitting quietly at the head of the kids’ table, like a robot, waiting for a command. “She seems…”
Chase laughs. “Yeah, she’s a little bit of a buzz kill on the kids, but she gets the job done. And she’s got no drama. My oldest brother hates drama.”
“What kind of drama can you get with a nanny?”
“You’d be surprised.” He winks. “I’m going to grab us a few drinks. Be right back.”
For obvious reasons, Charlie isn’t here today, so I look for a friendly face. I see a female about my age I don’t recognize. She’s behind the bar serving up made-to-order cocktails. Cocky smile. Long, dark hair that’s spirally in some places and wavy in others. Totally uneven. Wild. And yet, perfect for her face.
Her eyes are a beautiful gray. A cold color, but so much warmth. She has a ‘stay back’ look about her that challenges me to walk up to her.
“Hi.” I smile brightly, shutting down her ‘please just order and go away’ attitude.
She glances up at me and lifts her shaker, pouring a glass of something she concocted. “Try that for me?”
“Uhh…okay.” I hold up the rocks glass with a little more than a shot’s worth of some mystery red, shaken cocktail. I toss it back quickly and nearly vomit. “Ugh. That’s awful. What is that? Cough medicine and tequila?”
She purses her lips. “Yeah, that’s what I thought.” She dumps the rest of the shaker in the bushes.
“Wh—aren’t there animals here?”
She shrugs. “It’ll dry. Either that or they’ll sleep real well tonight,” she mutters. “Glass of wine?” she offers cheerily.
“Just some cider, actually if you have any. Or water…with lemon?”
She perks a brow. “You’re with Chase, right?”
“Yes. I’m Pepper. I grew up in this town.”
She looks up at me again and squints. “Pepper, you say?”
My eyes widen, and I lick my lips self-consciously. “Um…yes.”
She stretches a hand. “Tessa. You can call me Tess. I don’t have cider…but I make an awesome virgin pina colada.”
“I’d love one.”
“Comin’ right up.”
“Truthfully, I just wanted to say hi. You seem… approachable.”
She chuckles, handing me my drink. “Well, that’s certainly a first.” She rinses her shaker. “So where’d you go and what brings you back?”
My lips part as I struggle between the truth and the lie.
She narrows her eyes when she realizes she must have caught me off guard. “You know what, it doesn’t mat—”
Tess jerks. “Jesus, Cowboy. What is it now?”
Levi’s jaw works as he approaches her. He holds up a red plastic cup. “What did you put in this?”
She covers what looks like a smirk, but I caught it. “I handed out a bunch of those today, Grumpy, be more specific.”