Page 4 of Wrath
With only the slightest hesitation, she agreed to the terms but with one caveat; I would be told the truth about my birth and if I ever wanted to speak to her, the Beneventis would provide me with her information. Mia and Carlo signed the agreement, sealing my fate as a Beneventi. When my mother recounts the story of my birth, she weaves it into a narrative that mimics some sort of fairytale. Yet, when Carlo recalls that fateful night, he paints it as the darkest moment of his existence. He often reminds me that his blood doesn’t flow within my veins, punctuating each word with a fist to my face or treating me as if I were the scum of the earth. The cycle of abuse started when I was thirteen and has only intensified since then. It’s a constant reminder that I don’t belong here. However, that hasn’t deterred him from forcing me into this underworld, saying it’s the minimum repayment for avenging my birth mother’s assault.
From an early age, my father groomed me to step into the "family business” and he’s made my life a living hell. However, being adopted barred me from holding any official position within the organization. The only rank I would ever hold is a foot soldier and I had no desire to assume that role. While the code of silence, known as Omerta, was mandatory, he also expected me to take a life as a testament to my allegiance. Reflecting on the sacrifices my mother made to bring me into this world, and the retribution exacted upon her assailant by Carlo's associates, I’m not willing to commit to a life of crime. Due to my refusal to comply, he demanded I pay with my own. The beating was so severe that I was knocking on death’s door. It took my mother awhile to forgive him for his actions but she was proud of me for standing my ground.
The sole silver lining of being a Beneventi is encountering my Lili. If it weren’t for that connection with the Rinaldis, our paths would’ve never crossed. She embodies everything I want and desire in my life. With her long, luscious midnight black hair, captivating dark hazel eyes, and irresistible curves, she is the definition of true beauty both inside and out. Apart from my mother, I’ve never encountered a woman more stunning than her. It's an added blessing that she distances herself from the mafia lifestyle. Her resilience and resolve resemble my mother's and I find myself longing to be with her every waking moment.
I’m looking forward to celebrating her birthday this coming weekend. It’s been over two months since we’ve spent any alone time together and I can’t wait to be with her again. Eugenia, Lili’s closest friend from college, will be home from studying abroad and she’s one of two surprises I’ve arranged. However, Carlo hasn't made the preparations easy, keeping me busier than usual and seemingly intent on asserting control over me, particularly in keeping me away from Liliana.
There’s been an underlying tension in the air and several meetings have taken place without the presence of the Rinaldi family members. It’s unusual for such gatherings to occur without all five heads of the families present. Carlo's grievances against Paolo, Lili's father, claiming he holds more power than everyone, have increased animosity between us, leading to a trickle-down effect that impacts Lili and me. Despite the strains, our relationship has stood the test of time, affirming our belief that we're meant to be together. Just as I’m about to call my girl, the door to my bedroom forcefully swings open, catching me off guard.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing!?” Carlo bellows, looking like a bull ready to charge. There’s never been a time in my life where his demeanor wasn’t aggressive or threatening towards me and that includes my siblings. With the exception of my adoptive mother, they’ve all treated me like shit my entire life.
Confused by his sudden outburst, especially on my night off after fulfilling all his requests throughout the week, I rise from my bed, positioning myself defensively.
“Is that a rhetorical question?” I retort, attempting to diffuse the situation with sarcasm.
“You always have to be a wise guy!” He snaps back, lunging at me so swiftly that I barely have time to react. Pain explodes behind my left eye as I stagger back into the wall, momentarily thrown off balance. Regaining my composure, I deliver an uppercut to his torso, knocking the wind out of him. Memories flood back of a time when I was powerless against Carlo's abuse, forbidden to defend myself. He took pleasure in tormenting me, ensuring I remained submissive. Although he told my mother that I was being bullied at school, those wounds, both physical and emotional, were inflicted by his hands.
I’ll never forget one morning before heading to school, my mother called me down for breakfast. As I entered the kitchen, she gasped and covered her mouth, noticing the unmistakable healing bruises on my arms. Having left my jacket upstairs and tired of deceiving her, I chose to come clean.
“Cosa è successo alle tue braccia?” (What happened to your arms?) She inquired, horrified at the black and blue markings.
Moments that seemed to drag on forever passed between us, unsure of how to put into words that her husband had been physically abusing me for years. Her eyes pleaded for honesty, yet it felt as though she already knew the truth. My silence conveyed the unspoken words, and all I could do was gaze into her eyes. Part of me felt ashamed for not having the courage to tell her the first time Carlo struck me, but his threats guaranteed my silence.
“Tuo padre ti ha fatto questo?” (Did your father do this to you?) She asked.
“Yes,” was all I could manage. There was no need to delve into the specifics or reveal that he had allowed my older siblings, Salvatore, and Bianca, to harm me in her absence as well. Sometimes, I wished she had left me to die in that alley to spare us both a lifetime of pain. Even though I would never dare to ask, I knew that Carlo was also abusing my mother. Despite her strength, he never forgave her for rescuing me from the streets. She would often try to conceal her bruises or pretend she was too sick to come down for dinner after he left for the night.
“Please don’t say anything momma. It will only make things worse,” I begged, knowing that Carlo would escalate his attacks if he knew that I told the truth.
“Domenico, when I first laid eyes on you, I knew you were my son. There was nothing Carlo could say to make me abandon you in that alley. I’m so sorry that I couldn’t give you a better life,” she expressed, her voice filled with sorrow.
“There is no need for you to apologize, momma. Carlo is a cruel man and there’s nothing you could’ve done to change him. One day, we will escape from him and finally live in peace,” I reassure her.
As I’ve grown older and stronger, no longer the scrawny kid he once overpowered, his abusive behavior has shifted mostly towards verbal assaults. However, tonight, something seems to have him on edge.
“You were supposed to meet with Don Moretti next Saturday and he informs me that you rescheduled it two weeks out. Who the fuck gave you the authority to do that?” He spits out through gritted teeth, still recovering from the punch I delivered to his gut.
“I already told you that I have plans with Liliana the next few days and her birthday celebration is the following weekend. I’m not altering my plans for one of your distribution meetings. Why don’t you send Sal or Tomas?” I respond firmly, standing my ground.
“That little bitch doesn’t take precedence over your obligations to this family. I’m calling Moretti to let him know that you will be there next Saturday as planned and you can tell your girlfriend that you’ll be late for her party. Is that understood?!”
While I despise being bullied or bossed around by this asshole, he does have a point. At the moment, my loyalty lies with the Beneventi family. I made a vow and I’m a man of my word. I’m certain Lili will understand if I’m slightly delayed for her celebration. It will be a day filled with festivities and she’ll be surrounded by her friends and family. Nevertheless, I want Carlo out of my sight, so I respond calmly,
“That’s fine with me.”
“You’re damn straight it’s fine and if you ever pull this shit again, I’ll end you quicker than I saved your sorry ass from that alley!” He shouts, storming out of the room and slamming the door behind him.
There will come a day when Lili and I will leave this harsh life behind and build the future we both yearn for. My mother deserves better, and I am determined to ensure she finds her happy ending as well. Making my way to the dresser, I open the top drawer and retrieve the small black velvet box that contains the initial step in securing our future. I can only hope that my beloved Lili will say yes.
The limo driver pulls through the large iron gate of the Rinaldi compound. Although the sun is setting, the expansive mansion looks magnificent sitting high on a hill. Don Rinaldi has his family well protected within the walls of this compound and Carlo can only dream of having a home of this capacity. While we do have a large compound of our own, it’s nothing compared to what Paolo has built. It’s one of the reasons my father harbors so much hate for the Rinaldi family. They’ve never exhibited behavior that would suggest they’re better than any of us, yet Carlo behaves as if he has a personal vendetta against Paolo, even going so far as to try and turn the other family’s loyalties and try to take over the Northwest territory.
Carlo controls the Southwest territory however, his greedy ambitions have driven him to want more. Although we vowed never to discuss our family’s business, I’ve shared a few things with Lili that I’ve overheard to put Paolo one step ahead of Carlo. Yes, my loyalty is to serve as a Beneventi, but that loyalty ends when my Lili is put at risk. Anything that negatively impacts her father trickles down to her and I draw the line there.
Pulling into the circle driveway, I don’t wait for my driver to open my door. I’ve waited too long to see Lili and I can’t wait any longer. The door opens before I ring the doorbell which tells me that one of Paolo’s men alerted them of my presence. Greta’s cheerful smile greets me and I go right into her arms when she spreads them wide. Her short stature is a challenge to embrace, but her hugs are always comforting as if she’s taking on some of whatever burden you’re carrying. Holding me away, her hand goes to her mouth as she observes the angry greenish blue bruising decorating the left side of my face.