Page 16 of Stay In Your Layne
He tilted his head and leaned in closer to her. “You didn’t seem to mind it down at the docks.”
She chuckled. “You and I have two very different recollections of what went on that night.”
His gloved hands latched onto her hips as he pulled her up against him. “I could tell by the look in your eyes.” One hand slid behind her onto her lower back and then settled onto one side of her ass. “It’s the same look you have in your eyes right now. I bet you’re just dying to be a good girl for me, Layney.”
She inhaled sharply trying not to lose her train of thought as his touch caused electrifying reactions deep inside of her body. If he kept talking like that, her legs were going to melt into a puddle on the floor. Looking up at him, her hands slid up over his sculpted biceps. “I told you not to call me that.”
“I’m going to call you whatever I want, and you’re going to like it.”
Lightly she bit her lower lip, her body craving more of him like a sexual designer drug. “I thought you weren’t a knight in shining armor?”
“I’m not. I told you, you get a one-time deal.”
“In that case.” Her hand dropped down to feel over the front of his crotch, rubbing over the sizeable erection that strained against the zipper of his pants. “We are going to compromise. You take me out on a proper date, and then you get one night of me being a very good girl for you. How’s that sound?”
As her hand fondled him, his cock throbbed and Joey groaned in excitement. “How do you propose that I do that with your little entourage?” His hand took hold of her wrist to keep her hand right where it was.
Layne smiled up at him and tugged down the front of his mask briefly just enough to expose those perfect lips, she gave them the lightest of kisses. “You’re smart, you’ll figure out a way.” Her hand gave two pats to his chest reassuringly and slipped her hand out of his hold.
He took a moment to adjust himself in his pants before walking over to the bedroom window that overlooked the back patio. He stared at her with a thirst in his eyes. “Be careful, Layne. Don’t get yourself into any more trouble.”
She couldn’t help but smirk when he said that. “I think trouble has already found me, and if trouble doesn’t get the hell out of here, he’s going to risk causing an all-out war. Go.” Her hand shooed him to leave.
He left, and Layne flopped onto her bed wondering what the hell was wrong with her. She was putting so many aspects of her life at risk, for what?A one-time fling with a dick that already had her charged up and ready to go?
Before she could honestly answer that question to herself, she felt something underneath her vibrate and buzz. Confusion set in, and she reached underneath her, feeling an item that was thin and hard in her back pocket.When she pulled it free, she took a look at the phone that didn’t belong to her. The screen lit up with a text message from an unknown number.
Be ready for me Friday night at 5:30.
I’m never late.
That sneaky bastard had managed to leave her with a clean and secured phone, she smiled to herself, impressed that he had successfully distracted her enough to slide it into her back pocket.
The week had crawled by at a snail’s pace. The more Layne attempted not to think about her and Joey’s official outing on Friday, the more it kept creeping into her mind at the most inconvenient times.
It was Friday morning, and she had purposely made sure her work schedule was cleared for the latter half of the day. She had told Joey that he was going to have to figure out a way they could get together even with eyes constantly on her, and she wasn’t sure that he was going to be able to pull off a plan.
When she had texted him throughout the week, she hadn’t received any return messages. Being left out of the loop and not having details was a pet peeve of hers. Call her crazy, but she liked to have a solid plan in advance for everything and anything. She was a bit of a control freak like that. How was she even supposed to know what attire to pick out if she didn’t know what the plan was?
With the lack of communication from him, she had her doubts as to whether or not he would even show. Worst case, he stood her up and she found a quick date at a corner bar to spend the night with. She wasn’t going to let some bad news guy chase her back home into pajamas and a pint of ice cream, all because he didn’t know a good thing when he saw it.
That thought spiraled into an even worse worst-case scenario, what if this was all a setup and he was just going to deliver her head on a silver platter to Franzetti? Cue the paranoia. That’s why she was going to be prepared with safety measures. One could never be too careful these days, especially if somehow, they were going to ditch the bodyguard of the day, Lenny.
She unwrapped the piping hot curling iron from her dark chestnut strands and watched as the last section of hair was freed and bounced into a loose curl. Layne stood there in front of the bathroom mirror analyzing what she saw in her reflection.
Her outfit was one of her more casual looks, but she figured he wasn’t an uptown trust-fund baby expecting her to pull out the finest threads for this little get-together. Her favorite pair of dark blue skinny jeans flattered the shape of her legs and fed into her favorite pair of thigh-high black boots with laces up the back. For a top she had opted for something that screamed innocent and flirty, a white cropped blouse with thin straps that criss-crossed over her back, leaving her flat stomach exposed. To polish it all off, she grabbed a black jacket so that her favorite pew-pew could remain concealed in the back waistline of her pants.
Glancing at the smartwatch on her wrist, it was 5:02 p.m. Seeing how quickly the half-hour mark was approaching, a series of figuratively squirmy butterflies bounced inside of her stomach. It had been a long time since she could recall getting this worked up over a date, and not just any date, a date that she wasn’t even sure was going to happen.
A knock came at her bedroom door which had been left open. Layne left the bathroom to see who was at the door, color her disappointed that it was Lenny standing there.
“Just got a call from Liam, he wants to debrief you on a situation.”
Talk about shit timing. “Right now?”