Page 55 of Stay In Your Layne
A younger guy came up to her taking Layne’s flash of a sweet smile as an invitation.He looked barely out of college, hardly five-eight, slim but not muscular, and had the whole clean-cut baby face thing going on. He wasn’t her type, but that wasn’t the point of going out tonight, now was it? She was here to forget all about her go-to type of man.
His hands settled on her hips as she moved them to the rhythm of the song that was currently on full blast. Gradually, the minimal space they had was fully eliminated when some drunk girl knocked into Layne causing her to stumble forward right up against the guy’s chest. “Oof!”
The buzz of the cocktails was kicking in full-time by this point, and she couldn’t help but give off a giddy smile as she looked up into this guy’s dull hazel eyes.
Once the song started to transition to the next, she looked around the guy’s shoulder to see if she could lay eyes on Rebecca.
Not seeing her bestie, she leaned in a little closer to the guy so he could hear her. “I will be right back!” She patted his arm reassuringly before stepping away to navigate through the mobbed dance floor.
Layne considered texting her phone, but it was unlikely the shitty reception would allow it in here. What was likely was Rebecca was waiting in an insanely long line for the women’s restroom, but she needed to make sure her friend was okay since she had gone off without saying anything. The only problem was she had no damn clue where the bathroom was in this place.
Layne finally shook her head. “Fuck this,” and squeezed past a few more folks until she let herself into the VIP table area which was raised on a platform on the perimeter of the space. Her hands grabbed the railing designed to prevent the drunks from falling off of the platform, and she leaned against it, straining to see across the crowd to see if she could spot the bathroom from here.
Some random girl at the table behind her stood up and tapped the back of Layne’s shoulder. “Um, like, ‘scuse me! Are you supposed to be up here?” The whiny voice matched what Layne saw when she turned her head back to answer the girl. She looked like she lived off of seaweed and glitter, aggressive layers of makeup applied, and everything else that touched her body had a high-end designer label slapped on it.
“Piss off.” Layne did not have time to deal with some nitwit thinking she could go on a power trip over a damn seating area.
The table right behind Layne where the girl had been seated was occupied by four other people. Two of the table occupants were nearly one entity by account of how close they were. The female was nearly mounted on the man’s lap while heavily making out with him.She barely looked old enough to be legally allowed to drink. Her lengthy curls of black hair obscured the man’s face all the while it looked like she was about to devour him whole.
The man’s hands clutched the woman closer as she suggestively rubbed her body up against him. There was most definitely zero room for God between those two.
The other two individuals at the table were male and definitely out of place looking for the club. They just looked stuffy and dressed like they were attending a business meeting instead of going out for a night full of debauchery.
“You can’t be up here without a pass,” the bratty voice interrupted Layne’s observations.
Layne turned around to face the girl who looked like she would blow away with a strong gust of wind.“Oh? Gee, thanks. I will take that under consideration next time.” Layne’s words dripped with sarcasm.
You would have thought this chick would have gotten a clue that Layne didn’t give a fuck and would have let it all go. But, no. She did not.She turned and looked at the two men who weren’t engaged in the disgustingly aggressive display of affection, saying something to each of them.
While Layne couldn’t hear over the loud lyrics of the music, she guessed it was something along the lines of ‘She’s being mean to me and I’m not getting my way, boo-hoo.’ Layne shook her head in annoyance that anyone would be this territorial over the area around a damn table.
One of the men nudged the otherwise preoccupied man, not once but twice while relaying whatever was said to him by this broad. Finally, the preoccupied man peeled the woman off of him enough to come up for air and investigate what was going on.
Layne had been ready to turn around and give up on locating the bathroom, but when she saw the man’s face the second he pulled away from the maneater, Layne may as well have been knocked over the railing from the unsuspecting emotional assault.
How was it that Joey and she ended up at the same club in a city this big? It wasn’t just her who was surprised by this, but it looked like he hadn’t expected to see her here either.Oh, great.
Suddenly, the entire club felt incredibly tiny with the walls closing in on her.Layne’s heart felt like shards of glass were stuck in it, and it took everything in her to not show any of this on her face. She had no right to be upset that he was moving on with some whore. That’s right, now that girl was a whore who wasn’t good enough for a guy Layne had ditched.
It wasn’t clear when her feet started moving, but they did and she just knew she needed to create distance between them. She rushed down the steps leading away from the VIP area down to where everybody else was gathered in the dance space.
Joey quickly shoved the girl off his lap as he slid out of the booth. “Layne, wait!”
She didn’t even so much as look back behind her despite his call for her to hold up.
It might have been a few too many drinks that drove her brash reaction, but she eventually found the younger guy she had been dancing with a little bit ago. Like a good little Boy Scout, he had waited for her to return.
Layne snagged his hand, clutching onto it as she pulled him into the depths of the crowd on the dance floor. “Dance with me.” The guy grinned, more than happy to oblige and yet so unsuspecting the motive behind her actions.
She pushed herself up against him, running her hands up the front of his torso and onto his chest while her body sensually moved to the rhythm of the music pulsing through the air. Layne spun around, pressing her ass right into his crotch and it was no surprise that this youngin’ had a raging erection going on.She looked back over her shoulder at him with a smirk while she guided his hands down over her sides and the exposed flesh of her legs.
Joey hadn’t given up on chasing her and was able to track her down even in this sea of people in a dark space with the strobe lights providing the only real means of lighting.
When he laid eyes on the guy dancing with Layne, his hands all over her, all he saw was red.Joey stepped up to them and gave a confrontational push to the guy. “Get your fuckin’ hands off of her!” He pulled Layne off to the side. “What the hell, Layne?”
“Don’t touch me!” She shot him an icy glare.
The guy Joey shoved tried to intervene, “look, man, she clearly doesn’t want to talk to you.” A-for-effort for the poor sap that was suddenly in the middle of this clusterfuck.