Page 12 of I Thought of You
Instead, I gawk at his sexy ass in those jeans. I smile when he helps Scrot into the truck. And I watch him pull out of the parking lot.
Then,I play it cool.
I lock the front door and squeal while jumping up and down.
Then,I play it cool.
The day I met Scottie,I spent my whole week’s paycheck on oils, healing stones, and incense because I felt bad for dragging my wet self into the store, dripping water everywhere. She asked me if I was into natural healing.
I nodded, gazing at the counter while handing her nearly all the cash in my wallet.
“Liar,” she said with a laugh.
Narrowing my eyes, I glanced up. She didn’t know me. I couldn’t imagine why she was so quick to judge. Did I look like an unnatural person?
“If you’re not lying, then you’re obviously into kink.” She smirked.
“Excuse me?” I pocketed the two dollars and thirty-seven cents in change. The scent of essential oils hung heavily in the air, the herbaceous ones dominating the rest.
She held up a hexagonal pointed stone before wrapping it in tissue paper. “This is a butt plug, or sometimes it’s used forrectal cancer healing. And these two oils are used during cancer treatment,orthey are very common aphrodisiacs—especially when used together. So just be careful.”
My hair dripped rainwater down my face, but it could have been sweat, too. And the rain continued to pelt the windows as I glanced over my shoulder and prayed for a reprieve.
“There is a third option.” She added the incense to the bag, tucked the receipt next to the healing butt plug, and slid it in my direction. “Perhaps you don’t practice natural healing or have kinks. Maybe you feel bad for tracking water all over my floor instead of paying attention to the forecast and packing an umbrella.”
She pulled her cinnamon brown hair over her shoulder, slowly braiding it while wearing a beaming grin. I knew when girls were flirting with me, and Scottie Rucker was better than anyone—a flashing neon sign.
“It’s my parents’ anniversary.” I winked. “No cancer. All kink. My sister always out-gifts me. But not today.”
Scottie cupped her hand over her mouth and snorted. “Oh my god. You win.”
“But I do feel terrible about the wet floor.” I strolled toward the door just as the rain let up.
“Then come by on a sunny day around noon with a cherry hibiscus tea from Bea’s Teas down the street. And for the love of god, don’t let anyone stick that blue sodalite stone up their ass.”
I turned at the door.
She shot a sharp arrow into my chest with one smile. “I’m Scottie.”
“Price,” I said while opening the door and heading home with my bag full of sexual healing.
I arrangegreen glass bottles of water on the counter.
Wash veggies.
Pour dirt into my pans for sprouts.
Hang grow lights.
And nap.