Page 32 of I Thought of You
“That’s a unique name.”
“Thanks. I’ll tell my mom.”
“You do that. Also, hug her and spend time with her. I wish my kids would call me once in a while.” She disappears behind a display.
I don’t know what I’d say if I called my mom. How would I explain something that doesn’t make sense to me? How do I explain a feeling that doesn’t feel definable?
“I don’t suppose you know which one of these herbal creams works best for hemorrhoids.” She uses her index finger, which has a pointy nail, to push her glasses up her nose.
With a nervous laugh, I drag my hesitant, clueless ass to the personal care aisle. “Being as I’m the new guy who hasn’t had the pleasure of experiencing hemorrhoids yet, I can’t make any personal recommendations. But I can read some labels with you, and maybe we’ll find something worth trying.”
She gives me a great smile. “You’re a handsome man. Are you single? Do you know that Scottie’s single?”
I focus on the label. “Are you trying to play matchmaker with a stranger?”
Before she can respond, Scottie peeks her head around the corner. “Hi, Evelyn. Can I help you with anything?”
“This handsome man was just helping me find something for my hemorrhoids.”
Scottie’s eyes widen at me. “How kind of you. Would you like my help, or do you have this?” She nods to the bottle in my hand. “Because that’s a warming lubricant for her pleasure and his.”
Evelyn laughs. “Oh, dear. I’m not looking for pleasure tonight. Just something to soothe my bottom so I can sleep.”
“I’ll start mopping the floor.” I return the lubricant to the shelf.
Scottie presses her lips together and nods.
After spending fifteen minutes chatting with Evelyn and finding the right salve for her hemorrhoids, she takes her payment and locks the front door behind her while I mop the floor.
“No 9-1-1 calls. Everything seems in order. And you’re in one piece. Are you officially the newest employee?” Scottie asks, shutting down the register.
“I’m not making any long-term commitments, but I’ll admit I see the appeal.”
“The appeal?”
I feel her gaze on me, but I focus on the floor. “Making sodas and interacting with customers is fun. You have a fun job. I don’t think everyone working in retail would say that, but this store has a good vibe, just like the people who shop here.”
“Told you so.”
“Everyone knows you. I’m not sure anyone walked through the door without asking about you.”
She messes with the soda machine. “Well, some people think I’m unforgettable.”
“Ouch. Was that a jab at me?”
“Not at all. After all, you’re here.”
“I’m not so sure.” She tosses a white rag over her shoulder and fidgets with her gemstones and jewelry display.
“You think I’m stalking you?”
“Are you?”
“Maybe. Should I expect a restraining order?” I return the mop to the back room.
Scottie waits by the back door for me with her keys in her hand. “Thank you for helping me out. I’ll write down your hours.”