Page 35 of I Thought of You
He drops his head in defeat to my shoulder while adjusting himself and grumbling something inaudible.
After hooking my bra and rubbing my lips together, I open the door.
Price cringes. “My car won’t start. And I don’t have a phone. Can I borrow your phone to call for a ride? Or do you have jumper cables?”
I nod, then quickly shake my head. “Yes. You can borrow my phone. No, I don’t have jumper cables.” When I step away from the door to grab my phone, Price follows me, stopping when he sees Koen.
This is a new level of awkwardness, even for me.
“Koen, Price. Price, Koen,” I make a speedy introduction while snagging my phone from the table. “Price’s car won’t start; he’s going to call for a ride.”
Koen buttons his shirt.
So awkward…
“I’ve got jumper cables in my truck,” Koen says.
Why am I so embarrassed that Price knows exactly what we were getting ready to do? I feel like my parents caught me in the basement going to second base with my homecoming date.
There’s not enough room in here for the three of us, so I nudge Price toward the door with Koen behind me.
“I really appreciate it,” Price says.
“No problem.” Koen heads toward his truck while I hug myself to keep warm and look at anything but Price as the night air fills with a smoky smell like someone’s burning something not too far from here.
The two men try to jump-start Price’s car with no luck.
“You need a new battery,” Koen informs Price while disconnecting the cables.
“Thanks for trying. Sorry to have disturbed your date. I’ll make a quick call and wait for my ride.”
“I’ll drive you home,” Koen offers, storing the cables under his back seat.
“No. I’ll wait for a ride. But thanks.”
“It’s no problem. Get in.”
Price looks at me. What am I supposed to say?
With a tight smile, I shift my gaze to Koen. “Thanks.”
“Yeah, thanks,” Price echoes, climbing into Koen’s truck.
I give them a tiny wave. “Goodnight.”
Price returns a wave, but Koen just gives me a half smile that I can’t decipher. Is he mad? Relieved? Indifferent?
Thirty minutes later, I’m perched on my bed, working on a new bracelet, when I get a text from Koen.
I had a great night. I hope we can do it again
I laugh. Yes. Minus the interruption.
Thanks for taking Price home
UR welcome