Page 40 of I Thought of You
“It’s a room where you sit on lounge chairs and breathe in micronized salt particle air. The salt particles absorb toxins in your respiratory tract, and there’s a long list of potential benefits.”
“Are you serious?”
He chuckles. “Okay. I guess I should be glad he asked you to be his salt room buddy instead of me.”
“I’m still shocked that you said yes after having known him for ten seconds.” I put him on speaker while folding laundry on my bed.
“You know what they say: Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.”
“Price is your enemy?”
“We’re going to find out.”
“Just hurry up and come back to Austin. We have unfinished business.”
“I’m doing my best.”
“Do you want me to give Herb a hug for you or anything like that?”
“I don’t want you hugging anyone until I get home. Herb can be a little handsy.”
“Like his grandson.”
“He’s more of an ass guy. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
“Herb is the nicest guy I have ever known.” I slide my clothes into the drawers.
“Ouch. I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that.”
“I’ve known him much longer than I’ve known you. Why do you think I agreed to our blind date? I hoped Herb’s grandson would be like him.”
“Are you talking about the date we never went on?”
“Yes. That one.” I grin, plopping onto the bed and leaning back. “Can we FaceTime? I need to see your face.”
He doesn’t answer. Instead, the call ends, and he’s FaceTiming me a second later. He’s all grins when I answer, as am I.
“Hi,” I say.
“Hi. Are you in bed?”
“Technically, yes. I don’t have a lot of sitting options. Do you?”
“Nope. I’m at a cheap motel in its cheap bed.”
“I mean at your place. I know you have weights in a garage. I assume that means you live in a house.”
“I do. I live in a house that I built.”
His grin swells with pride. “Really. I lived out of a dinky trailer while building it.”
“Are we boxing or talking? I wasn’t expecting that trailer jab.”
“I’m kidding. I love how content you are with your life. It’s refreshing.”