Page 13 of Homeward Bound
“Says you. I remember how many times the things we heard made you cry. My memory is long, my friend, and I will never forget how some of those skanks made you feel.”
“At least I didn’t give up the ol’ V-card,” I murmur.
“This is very true. Because if even half the shit I’ve heard is factual, he dipped his dick into so many places, I wouldn’t touch it if it had been bleached!”
“Mags! That’s a terrible thing to say!”
“What’s so terrible about it? I mean, if y’all had only been casually dating, that would’ve been one thing, but he gave you his fucking class ring.”
“Mags? All water under the bridge.”
“So, tell me more about Jared. Has he changed much?”
“He’s gotten huge! I mean, not fat or anything like that, but all muscular. Plus, he’s gotten a little bit taller.”
“Girl, everyone’s taller than you.” I shrug because she’s not lying. I’m barely five feet three inches tall.
“True, except Granny Fran.”
“You must take after that side of the family or something, because your mom is tall for a woman and your dad was as well. I mean, for a guy, that is.”
“I knew what you meant, silly.”
“Are you seeing him again?” she asks.
I nod then remember we’re on the phone and say, “Yeah. He’s supposed to come and get me after court. No clue what we’re doing, but Mags? I just like being with him.”
“I’m glad, honey,” she replies, her voice soft. “You deserve every good thing, y’know? So, how did your mom handle the meeting with them?”
“Mags, they got her such a huge settlement that she can literally buy a house and have no mortgage!”
“Good. She deserves to be able to do that and I know your dad would want that for y’all. I miss him, Cass,” she says.
“You and me both, Mags.”
My dad was such a good man; he was active in our community with the local Boys and Girls club, and we often had ‘extras’ at our dinner table. He also helped spearhead several programs to enable the kids who were in foster care or who only had one parent be able to get the stuff they needed for school. Mom runs the shop now and I make a mental note to see if there’s anything we need to stock up on for the kids.
“He’d like Jared for you, too,” she continues, interrupting my thoughts.
“You think so?”
“I know so. Think about how he was whenever Jared would come around to get you to go work on his truck, or go fish, then remember how he acted when Cade would come pick you up.”
I ponder her words and realize she’s right. Dad would take the time to talk to Jared about the truck project, or tell him where to go to get the best bait for our fishing expeditions. When Cade would come by, he was civil, but never extended anything conversation-wise.
“You’re right,” I muse. “Why did I never see it before?”
“Because you were ‘in love’ with Cade,” she sing-songs.
I see a text come across and open it since I’m on speakerphone with Mags.
Jared: On my way, Cass. Wear something comfortable, I want to show you something.
Me: Okay. Will jeans work?
Jared: Perfect. See you in a few.
“Mags, I need to run, Jared is on his way,” I say, interrupting her monologue about how she’s going to be the best auntie to my future babies with Jared.