Page 15 of Homeward Bound
“Not exactly. Before I clue you in to those plans, what did you major in when you were in college?”
She starts giggling then laughs out loud when she sees my expression. “Um, well, I was working on a legal secretarial degree,” she finally says, once she’s calmed down. “I lack a few math classes from completing it, but when Dad got hurt, I withdrew and came home.”
“So, you have enough knowledge to know your way around a law office?” I question.
“Yeah, I know how to do the research, and create letters, spreadsheets, and what-not,” she replies. “Why?”
“I’m planning to open a new law office near the house I’m building,” I state. “And it’s going to be a one-man operation, but I’m going to need someone who can help me. Would you be interested?”
I mull over what he’s offering, my heart now in my throat. One of the reasons I chose the degree program I did was because of him. I knew he was going to follow in his dad’s footsteps and foolishly, I thought that maybe I could be there alongside him. Of course, when Dad got hurt, all my plans and dreams flew away and my focus became helping Mom. I don’t regret for a minute leaving school, but I know he could get someone who already has their degree that would be better suited for what he plans to do.
“Cass?” he softly says, squeezing my hand. “You okay?”
“Um, I don’t really know what to say right now,” I admit. “I went to school with the intention that maybe someday I could work with you. You were always so passionate about the work you did with your dad, and I guess I caught that bug.”
“So, is that a yes?”
“Jared, I don’t have my degree,” I advise. “Remember?”
“I also know that you can finish said degree,” he states. “Hell, since I suspect I’m going to be ridiculously busy, you might need to become a paralegal. I can’t think of anyone I’d want by my side more than you,” he says.
“Wouldn’t that be too much? I mean, we’re dating, then we’d be working together.”
“Sounds perfect to me,” he replies, his voice husky as he slows Hazel down and turns into a long, winding driveway.
“This is beautiful.”
My voice is hushed as I admire the young trees planted alongside the driveway. There’s room for them to grow and I envision how they’ll look in the years to come, full and inviting. A white fence surrounds the property and when he pulls up and parks, I can’t help the gasp that escapes me when I see the house itself.
He throws the truck in park and gets out while I try to take in every aspect of the house he’s building.
“Come on, honey, let me show you the inside,” he says, once he has my door open.
I quickly unbuckle and practically jump into his arms as he helps me down. Wrapping my arms around him, I whisper, “This is the house we always talked about, isn’t it?”
He chuckles and nods while pulling me even closer and kissing me. “Yeah, honey, it is,” he admits.
“I can’t believe you remembered,” I murmur as he takes my hand in his.
“There’s not a thing you’ve ever told me that I’ve forgotten,” he states, walking us up the flower-lined pathway to the steps.
Once at the top, I see the comfortable looking chairs with small tables between them but when I spot the huge porch swing that’s wider than normal with cozy pillows, I can’t help my squeal of surprise before I rush toward it and plop down.
“Oh, this is awesome,” I exclaim, my hands rubbing the softness of the cushions as Jared makes his way to me. When he sits next to me, I catch his grin.
“I was hoping you’d like it, sweetheart,” he replies, gently swinging us back and forth.
“It’s big enough to curl up and read too,” I say.
“Yeah, I can see that, and also curl up together and talk about our days.”
I ponder his words for a second and realize that would be the perfect way to end a day, wrapped up in his arms as we talk about whatever comes to mind.
“I can’t wait to see inside,” I finally tell him after we spend countless minutes just enjoying the outside. I spend so much time working, I rarely take time to stop and smell the proverbial roses.
Not that he planted any of those out front. The beds are full of tulips, daffodils, and calla lilies, all of which are my favorite flowers. I do like roses, of course, but I remember telling him that I thought rose bushes would be prettier in the backyard.