Page 4 of Homeward Bound
I smile at her in what I hope is a reassuring way and say, “Would love to go get a coffee or something at some point, Cassidy. Maybe catch up.”
Get caught up, tell her that I’ve been interested in her for years, see if we can start something. Tall order, I know, but I feel like I’ve been waiting on Cassidy forever.
“Are you sure you want to do that, Jared?” she asks.
“I’m positive. When are you available?” I decide to press the issue since her mom is giving me a grin that lets me know it’s okay.
“I - uh - I work until six tonight,” she says. “Maybe after?”
“That works. I’ll come by and pick you up around six thirty?”
“I can just meet you if that would be easier.”
Nope. Not happening. I want her in my truck; in my space. Have wanted that for years, ever since before prom actually, and I plan to press the issue.
“I’ll pick you up, Cass. It’s no problem.” Seeing that I won’t relent, she finally shrugs, then stands to leave.
“I guess I’ll see you then, Jared. Come on, Mom, I need to hurry now.”
I glance at the clock and realize that our meeting took longer than I anticipated and she’s probably going to have to rush to get to work on time.
“If it’s easier, I can drop her off for you,” I suggest.
She’s already dressed in her work uniform, other than her smock and I know they get those from their lockers. I’m not sure what else she has to get ready, unless she has to pack her lunch.
“I’ve got to grab my lunch, so I still have to go by the house. Thanks, though,” she says, giving me a little smile.
I know I’m gone for her because I’m cataloging every little glance, smile, or statement she makes. I have most of her facial expressions already committed to memory. My goal now is to see how she looks after I’ve kissed her breathless and eventually, what she looks like as she comes. Dammit, I feel myself hardening again.
“Then I’ll see you around six thirty,” I reply, standing and praying that neither of them are paying attention to my erection that’s pushed painfully against my zipper. If this keeps up, I’ll have permanent imprints on my dick.
“See you then, Jared.” With that, she stands and grabs her purse and heads for the door.
Somehow, I make it to work with ten minutes to spare. Placing my purse and keys in my locker, I grab my smock, put it on, then head to the time clock to clock in, my mind still a jumbled mess.
He wants to take me out for coffee! The girl I was is beside herself; me, on the other hand, is leery of getting involved with any Knox man again. Cade really fucked my head up with regard to relationships, that’s for sure.
My trust factor is at zero and as I walk to my assigned register, I have to remind myself that Jared has always treated me with respect. Hell, until Cade and I ended, he was one of my closest friends, always willing to go see animated movies with me. As I log into the register and open my line, my mind drifts back ten years.
“Cassidy? You got a minute?” Jared asks, walking up to where I’m sitting outside eating lunch. I usually eat with Mags but she’s sick today and I have no one else I can talk to about why I haven’t heard from Cade lately. Four unanswered letters, ten voicemails, and too many texts to count - all ignored. Well, not exactly. He’s read them, but not responded, and I’m hurt. Kind of pissed off too if I think about it!
“Hey, Jared. Sure, have a seat,” I reply, motioning to the ground next to me. I take a good look at him and smile. He’s got darker hair than Cade, and his build indicates that he’s going to be a big man once he grows into himself. Cade is a bit shorter than him, blond, and more wiry than muscular. But Jared plays football, wrestles, and runs cross country, so he’s bulkier. Not fat, just more muscular.
“Um, so, I wanted to tell you something before you hear it through the grapevine,” he says. His voice is hesitant, and I see a look of sorrow in his eyes.
“Is it Cade? Is he okay?” I fire question after question at him, my emotions welling up at the thought that Cade might be hurt. Maybe that’s why he hasn’t contacted me! Hope springs up in my chest only to be crushed at his next words.
“Yeah, it’s about Cade. Cassidy, I don’t… I don’t know how to tell you this, but he apparently eloped a week ago. Some girl he met at college or something.” He’s running his hand through his hair and my first thought is to console him.
When his words finally sink in, I feel my heart shatter in a million pieces. “Cade… Cade got married?” I whisper.
How? Why? What about me? I scream in my head, as tears steadily begin dripping down my face.
“Yeah, honey, he did. I’m so sorry.”