Page 8 of Homeward Bound
“You’re home now, Cass. Speaking of that, I hope it’s not too forward of me, but I want to see you.”
“What do you mean?” Her tone is cautious. I’d like to think it was because she had the same mindset as I did, but I want her to understand that I want her in my life.
Clearing my throat, I reply, “Date you, Cassidy. I think we’ve got a good foundation from our past that we can build on. I’m nothing like him…”
She interrupts me before I can finish. “You’re accurate with that statement, Jared. You don’t think it’s weird, though? I mean, I dated your brother. What will people think?”
Personally, I don’t give a flying fuck what anyone thinks, but when it comes to our hometown, I know that Cassidy has faced more than her fair share of bullying, so her cautious nature is understandable.
“They’re going to think what they want to think, Cass. Don’t you remember what my mom used to tell us?”
“What other people think is none of your business, Cassidy Smith,” she says, mimicking my mother so perfectly that I laugh.
“Won’t it be awkward since he’s home now?” she questions.
“Not for me and hopefully, not for you. Unless you’re hoping to rekindle something?”
“Are you kidding me? No fucking way, Jared.”
She’s so vehement in her response that I’m momentarily stunned stupid.
“Cass, you never swear.”
“Well, I do when the situation demands it,” she replies. “Can we not talk about your brother? At least I wasn’t stupid.”
Her last statement is said so quietly that I know immediately that despite what Cade intimated, she didn’t have sex with him. The bastard! He’s part of the reason her reputation took such a hit; people thought she was putting out, when in actuality, Cade was sleeping with others. Damn, I detest him.
“You’ve never been stupid, Cassidy. Or gullible, or naive, or any of that shit,” I state. “So, are you willing to give you and me a chance?” I’m holding my breath now and praying she puts me out of my misery.
“Only if you’re sure, Jared. I don’t want to cause any problems between y’all or anything.”
“There won’t be any problems, Cass,” I promise, giving her hand a squeeze.
I pull into McGee’s and park before I get out and help her out of the truck. Because I want the contact, I lace our fingers together again. She fits perfectly against me.
“You still like your tea so sweet it causes a toothache?” she questions, grinning up at me.
“You still like to add lemon to your Coke?” I counter.
“Absolutely! Only way to drink it is over crushed ice with lots of lemon,” she replies, giggling.
“Let’s go see if we can get some of those nachos,” I state, opening the door and ushering her inside.
* * *
We’ve laughed so much my sides hurt and I feel as though we’re off to a good start. “So, what’s your schedule like the rest of the week?” I ask as we drive back to her house.
“I’m off tomorrow and Saturday,” she replies.
“I’ve got court in the morning but am free after that. Want to go do something?” I ask.
“I’d like that.”
“Cassidy, in the interest of full disclosure, I need to tell you something.”