Page 10 of Keeping Secrets
"It was a group effort," Willa said modestly. "None of us could have done it on our own."
"True that." Chloe held up her ice cream cup and tapped it against Willa’s with a papery clink.
"I’d like to help with that," Keely said. "I don’t have experience with property renovation, so I’m not sure how much help I would be…"
"An extra pair of hands is always a help," Chloe enthused.
The bell above the door sounded as a large family walked through, and she hurried to shove the last spoonful of ginger ice cream into her mouth and resume her place behind the counter.
"She’s right," Willa said. "We could always use another pair of hands."
"Good. I’m excited to help."
"And I’ll ask around about local jobs. What do you like to do?"
The black hole of her past mistakes sucked at her thoughts again, and she fought her way back to the surface.
To buy herself a moment, she shrugged and shoved the rest of the ice cream cone into her mouth. As she crunched the last of the pumpkin-flavored wafer, she mulled it over.
What did she like to do?
"I like to read," she said when she’d swallowed the last of her ice cream cone. "I stopped for a while… but lately I’ve been picking it up again, remembering how much I love it."
"I love that. I wish there were a bookstore in town." Willa tapped her chin. "There is a library, though. Our friend Ali works there. You’ve met her, right? I could ask her if they’re hiring."
"That would be great."
"What else do you like to do?"
"I like to bake," she said without thinking. "Half of the books that I brought with me to Pelican Point are cookbooks."
"Teach me your secrets," Willa said with a self-deprecating little laugh. "I’ve tried, but I just don’t have the baking gene."
She smiled. "There’s no gene. Just recipes and measurements."
"You say that. But you haven’t seen me try to bake."
"Why don’t we bake something together sometime?"
"I would love that! And my kids would love it even more. Would it be all right if they joined us?"
"Of course."
"Speaking of kids, I have to run and pick them up from school. When you meet them, don’t tell them that I went to the ice cream shop without them."
Keely laughed, but Willa’s expression was serious.
"I mean it," she pleaded. "Don’t tell them."
"Okay." She bit back a laugh. "I won’t tell them."
"Good!" Willa brightened. "I have your number from when you were here before, so I’ll text you later and we’ll figure out a time to bake. How about this weekend?"
"It’s a date," Keely agreed.
Keely was whipping up a batch of dark chocolate peppermint fudge to take to Nick and Chloe's house that night when her phone rang. Willa’s name flashed across the screen, and she picked up.