Page 70 of Keeping Secrets
She grinned. “You’ve got yourself a deal.”
Ingrid and Maria shifted into talking about an upcoming library event, but Keely wasn’t listening. Her mind spun with the possibilities that were opening up in front of her. With the extra money from her job as a personal chef – she knew that Sunday and Guillermo would be generous – she would be able to invest in more supplies and continue to experiment. She could do anything – cater more events or set up her own stand at the farmers market. The possibilities were endless.
Buzzing with excitement, she picked up her phone and opened the text thread that she shared with Nick and her parents.
Last night’s catering event was such a success that they offered me a steady job! I’ll be cooking for the sweet old lady whose birthday party I catered. My boss loves her, so she’s happy to shift my hours at the library if need be. And the extra money means I can save up and start my own baking business! Catering, market treats, I don’t know yet. But something! I’m so excited!
She sent the message, then copied it and sent the same to Michelle. Then, for good measure, she sent it to Travis. As an afterthought, she also sent it to the thread that Chloe had added her to, with Willa and Nat and Ali.
Her knees bounced with excitement as she started jotting down ideas for what she would make in her first week as Frances’s personal chef. Texts started coming in, her phone buzzing on the table.
Mom: I am so happy for you, sweetheart!
Dad: We’re proud of you, Princess.
Nick: Go Keely!
More messages came through, her friends and sponsor cheering her on. Keely felt enveloped by warmth and love.
Some corner of her mind wondered why Travis hadn’t replied, but when she checked their text thread, she saw that he hadn’t read her message yet. He was probably just busy with work.
She put her phone on silent and cleaned up her lunch, getting ready to go out and man the front desk.
“Hey, Keely?” Ali said. She stood in the doorway of the breakroom, which was empty except for the two of them. Her expression was strangely nervous, almost foreboding.
“What’s up?” Keely could hear the hesitation in her voice. She didn’t want to hear bad news, not right now. What could Ali possibly have to say that had her looking at her like that? Like she had run over her cat on the way in to work. But Mr. Frumples was safe in Rocky Hill at her parents’ house. So what was going on?
“I was in Half Moon Bay yesterday,” Ali said slowly. She walked across the break room like she was headed for the gallows. “I saw Travis.”
Ali took a breath and held out her phone. On the screen was a photo of Travis sitting in a restaurant. Ali had taken the photo from outside, through the window. There was a girl sitting across from him – if she was out of high school, she hadn’t been for long – and they were holding hands across the table.
Keely’s stomach dropped, her turkey sandwich suddenly sitting in her belly like a lead weight.
“I’m sorry,” Ali said, wringing her hands together. “I didn’t know if I should say anything or not. But, well, it’s just… My boyfriend cheated on me in college, and I didn’t know for ages. After we broke up, I found out that pretty much everyone knew but me. Most of my friends had seen them together, but no one had ever said anything to me. It was devastating. I told myself that if I was ever in their position, I would be brave enough to say something.”
Keely nodded, numb, and thrust the phone back at Ali.
“I shouldn’t jump to conclusions,” Ali said nervously. “It might have been… work, or something? An interview?”
“In Half Moon Bay?” Keely protested.
Ali shrugged. “I don’t know.”
“Wow.” She slumped back into a chair, her mind spinning.
Who was that girl? No one they knew from Rocky Hill.
Why would Travis be meeting someone outside of town?
What possible reason could there be but a date?
How long had he been seeing her?
She took a breath, trying to calm the pounding of her heart.
They had only been on two dates. They weren’t in a relationship, and they hadn’t had any sort of conversation about exclusivity. But still… she was crazy about him.