Page 6 of Fated Enemy
I shuffle, uncomfortable in my stiff jeans and a black button-down shirt. “Why did you make me wear this?” I grumble to Thorne.
“Because you have to look presentable as my beta,” he responds.
“I look like an idiot.”
“You look fine. Stop pulling at your sleeves.”
It’s Thorne’s shirt, and I hate how stiff it is.
I can hear my friends calling, and I’m about to go over to them when someone catches my eye.
My breath hitches in my throat. My skin feels like I’m standing under a thunderstorm, electric and tingling.
She looks… amazing.
Briony has always been pretty. I made comments about that fact to Will often enough that he started to think something was weird, so I stopped a long time ago, but I’ve never been able to get away from the fact that Briony is pretty damn beautiful. Her hair looks like ink spilling over her shoulders, and she’s wearing a dress that reveals the graceful arch of her neck and the curved muscles of her shoulders.
The dress is a deep forest green, the same color as her eyes, and I know that if she looks over at me, I’m going to lose my shit.
“Bro,” I hear my friend Zander say. He comes up and slaps me on the back, and I stiffen.
“What?” I snap.
“Damn. Who shit in your Cheerios?”
“I hate that expression. And no one. Where’s the bar?”
Zander laughs. “Starting already? Nice. Let’s fucking go,” he says with a howl.
I can feel Thorne’s glare as we walk away, but I’m too distracted to care.
The whole night, I feel like I can’t go more than fifteen feet from her. Like some kind of fucked-up asteroid, I orbit her. Wherever she goes, I follow. I try to make it look casual, but eventually, I’m sure she’s going to notice.
She’s smart as hell like that.
Sure enough, the twilight has almost given way to night when she marches over to where I’m sitting. “Why are you staring at me?” she says, her hands on her hips.
I swallow. Suddenly my lips feel like they’re made of rubber. “Um…”
“Stop. It’s fucking weird. Did Will send you to spy on me?”
I shake my head. “No? He’s just out of town.”
“I do not care where he is. He can be anywhere and sleep with anyone he wants now that we’re not together,” she says with a snort. “Stop staring at me. Leave me alone. It’s bad enough that I have to see you everywhere. Just… leave me alone,” she says with a little stomp of her foot.
Oh, shit.
That’s so cute.
Briony spins and stomps away, but I swallow as she does.