Page 22 of Shattered Soul
“Who the fuck is this and how the fuck did you get this number?” he grits out.
“Knight Murdoch?” I ask.
“Who the fuck is asking?”
“My name is Knox Bronson and I am?—”
“I know who the fuck you are, Knox, what do you want?” Both Xander and Taylan frown at my phone but remain silent.
“I need your help. I’m willing to pay whatever it costs?—”
He cuts me off again and it’s starting to annoy the fuck out of me. “What’s it for and don’t bullshit me because I’ll find out the truth either way.” I grit my teeth, I was hoping to give him the basics without baring it all to him. I look at my boys and they both nod encouragingly.
“I need you to recover hospital files on a woman named Lakeland Deveraux from six years ago.”
“Why?” I take a deep breath and remind myself that this is the only way to know the truth, even if it’s from someone I don’t know or trust.
“Because the police reports say she was drunk on the night an accident occurred and I need to know the truth.”
“I need more kid, what accident?”
“Fuck.” I blow out a loud exhale. “Fine, I need the files from the hospital and to know if the police reports were forged because my sister died that night.”
“Who is the girl you want the information on?”
Closing my eyes, I answer him. “She was my girlfriend and I need to know if she killed my sister.” A gasp from the doorway draws all our attention to see Lakeland standing there, her face pale and her eyes wide.
“Give me forty-eight hours and meet me in Jersey City.” I nod even though he can’t see me as I keep my gaze on Lakeland. “Knox?”
“Y-yeah?” I mutter distractedly while staring at Lakeland.
“I wouldn’t hurt the girl until you know the facts. Been there, done that and regret it.”
“Hmm.” Is all I manage to say before he ends the call.
“Lay, let us explain,” Taylan tries to appeal to her but she isn’t hearing a word he is saying, she turns and runs back inside. I give chase only to slam to a halt inches away from her when she snatches a knife from the butcher’s block. Tay and Xander slam into my back, sending me staggering forward. I manage to stop an inch from the tip of her blade.
“Put the knife down,” I grit out through clenched teeth.
“She was my girlfriend and I need to know if she killed my sister.”
I stare at him, praying that what he said is a lie but the look on his face gives away the fact he isn’t talking out of his ass. I can see the familiarity in his eyes as he looks at me, I see it in his friend's gazes as well. I’m so fucking confused. I thought my sister was lying to me but clearly she wasn’t and everyone knows the truth except me.
“Were you all laughing at me?” Knox’s face contorts in confusion. I look to the other two assholes who look just as perplexed. “I bet you were all having a great big fucking laugh at my expense!” I scream. I hear others enter the kitchen behind me but don’t take my eyes off the three in front of me.
“Stand down, no one is to touch her,” Knox growls as he stands to his full height eyeing whoever it is over my head before slowly bringing his gaze back to me. “You are going to put that fucking knife down right now or?—”
“Or fucking what?” I taunt, his eyes narrow.
“If I have to take it from you, I won’t be gentle about it.” The warning is clear but right now, I don’t care. Everything is fucked up. My sister is gone, the past six years of my life are apparently a lie and the guy I have been dreaming about killing for the past couple of days is supposedly my ex-boyfriend.
“Nothing with you is gentle,” I sound hysterical to my own ears and I give zero fucks as I wave the knife in Knox’s direction forcing him to jump back a step.
“Final warning, Lake.”
“Fuck you, Knox, you’re a fucking liar and a bastard. Nothing more you do to me can hurt more than what you have already done.” He tries to mask it but I see the flicker of regret in his eyes before he hardens his features again. “Kill me, beat me, do whatever the fuck you want because clearly no one seems to give a fuck about what I want or need.” I toss the knife at him and stalk out of the room, brushing past the men that block the exit. They try to shift out of the way as fast as they can. With nowhere else to go, I head back to the bedroom I woke up in and slam the door closed angrily. I feel tears prick the backs of my eyes but I refuse to let them fall.