Page 27 of Shattered Soul
“I…” She clamps her mouth closed and takes a deep breath. “I don’t know any of you,” she mutters bitterly.
“That’s okay. How about we share stories of her later when we’re on the road. I don’t mean to be a dick but we’re running out of time, Lay,” Tay says with a smile. I’m starting to hate how he fucking looks and talks to her, even worse I hate that she fucking responds to him.
Leaning over the table I place a kiss to her cold forehead and hold there for a second with my eyes closed, committing this moment to my memory. Without anyone needing to say it, I know this will be the last time I will ever get to see my sister, this is the last memory I will have of her for the rest of my life. Pulling back and putting a couple inches of space between us, I rub the top of her head, her hair is dull and doesn’t hold the shine it used to, her lips have a purplish tinge to them. Her skin is pale but it’s the sight of the bruises that mar her beautiful face and collarbone that anger me the most.
I lift my gaze to Jerry and ask, “What was her cause of death?” He flicks his gaze to Knox. I growl drawing his attention back to me. “She is my sister, not his, now answer my damn question.”
“Do it,” comes from Knox.
Jerry nods. “Blunt force trauma to the head. She suffered many blows to the cranium which led to her death.” I bite down on my lips to keep from sobbing. Rubbing the top of her head, I place another kiss to her cheek before whispering in her ear.
“Whatever I have to do, wherever I have to go, no matter how far or how long it takes, I swear to you I will find who did this to you, Riv. Thank you for always being my hero and saving me, even when I didn’t know I needed saving. I love you, big sister,” I choke out past the lump in my throat. Without waiting for the others, I pull away from my sister and march out of the room. I latch onto the anger inside me for my sister, my hero, when our mom died she took me under her wing and protected me. How our own father could allow this to happen to his own flesh and blood is something I will have to ask him before I send his ass back to hell.
I climb into the backseat of the car and wait for Knox and the others. I’m alone for a minute before I see the three of them stalking toward me but my attention is on Xander. A stabbing in the back of my head has me hissing.
I’ll make sure he knows what you did tonight, you took the love of my life from me.
I gasp at the sound of Xander’s voice inside my head. I cry out when the pain in my head explodes, then I feel hands on me but my vision is gone. I have a few seconds before I pass out. The pain inside me stalls when I feel lips on mine, I’m unable to lift my arms or even see who the fuck is kissing me. I feel a hand fist in my hair angling my head while another arm wraps around my waist and draws me in closer. It takes a minute before my vision slowly starts to clear, blinking a couple of times to focus.
My eyes widen at the sight of green eyes staring back at me. Knox doesn’t stop kissing me, even when the car jolts forward. He shifts so I’m in his lap. Only then does he slowly draw back never taking his eyes off me, our breaths are rapid as we try to suck in air but confusion wars inside me.
“How did you stop me from passing out?” I whisper.
“What happened?” he counters. I nibble on my lip, debating if I should tell him or not but then I remember that he still doesn’t believe me about not knowing him or his friends, that all me telling him would do is cause more doubt.
“I… I was overwhelmed.” His gaze searches mine.
“You’re lying.”
“If you have the power to tell when I lie then you should know I’m telling you the truth about not knowing who the hell you or your friends are and I can tell you for certain I never harmed your sister.” At the mention of his sister all the softness in his features disappears just as he tosses me off his lap and I land on the other side with a grunt.
“Not another fucking word out of you,” he clips out. Crossing my arms over my chest, I slouch back in my seat and stare out the window. If he thinks not talking to them is a punishment, he is fucking mistaken! The drive to the air strip passes by in a blur, I’m too lost in my own thoughts. I refuse to be a pawn for Knox to use against my father, if I’m going to survive long enough to have a chance at living my own life, I need to make a break for it when we get to the US. Once we make it to the airstrip, Knox drags me out of the car and pushes my head down not allowing me to look around. On board he shoves me into a seat and fastens the belt across my lap while I glare daggers at the manhandling bastard.
“I can do it!” I snap when he keeps fumbling with the buckle.
“Shut the fuck up and sit your ass there. Don’t fucking move.” We’re stuck in a glare off for a minute before his name is shouted from the front of the plane, forcing him to pull away and storm off in the other direction.
Fuck him!
I unfasten the belt and hop over to the next seat by the window and fasten the belt, then cross my arms over my chest and close my eyes. The sooner we land the sooner I can put a plan into motion and get the hell away from him and his heavy handedness. I don’t care how breathtaking he is to look at, his asshole attitude makes him ugly. He’s a pompous ass who thinks his word is above God himself. Seriously, who the fuck died and made him king. I cringe at the thought, that was low of me to think that considering I know he lost his sister. I feel bad for him I do but the fact remains that this whole situation is his fucking fault. If he hadn’t come after us, River would still be alive, Colson wouldn’t have been shot. I don’t even know where Colson is or if he’s okay, he probably thinks we abandoned him.
“I warned you,” I hear him snarl but refuse to open my eyes until he yanks my arm. Snapping my eyes open a second too late, I see him handcuff me to him. I tug my arm hoping to get free but the bastard just smirks as he claims the seat beside me.
“Uncuff me right now!” I snap, not caring who hears.
“You disobeyed me. I warned you, Lakeland.”
“I’m not a fucking child,” I shout, his upper lip twitches as if he wants to snarl at me.
“No, you’re just a pain in my fucking ass. Now shut the fuck up before you really piss me off.”
I scoff but before I can answer, Taylan claims the seat opposite me and says. “Just because he's good for your hole doesn't mean he's good for your soul.” I balk at him as Knox growls at his best friend.
“Nothing about him is good for me,” I grit out through clenched teeth. Knox scoffs so I add, “He’s just trying to compensate for his little dick.” Knox's head snaps toward me so fast I swear I heard his neck crack. Taylan bursts out into hysterics across from us while I spy Xander sitting across from us shaking with silent laughter.
“She just used her sister’s words against you,” Taylan wheezes out through fits of laughter. Knox snakes his uncuffed hand out and grips the back of my neck in a bruising hold, drawing me as close to him as my seatbelt will allow.