Page 45 of Shattered Soul
“Nothing about you needs to be fixed, if you don’t remember the past then we’ll deal with that. We can just make new memories and I can tell you stories about us from back then. Losing your memories doesn’t mean you have to lose us.” Tears spring to my eyes at his heartfelt words.
“I can see why I fell in love with you. I just hate that I don’t remember how.” A raspy chuckle leaves him as he slowly eases out of me.
“It started with you loving my cock in your ass.” I shove the arrogant dick away only for his laughter to fill the small room. I march into the bathroom, keeping my back to him so he can’t see me smiling.
The entire way back to Knox’s house, Xander hasn’t uttered a word, even when we left the bedroom on the plane to join him and Tay he refused to look at us and kept his gaze focused out the small window. I’ve caught both Knox and Taylan shooting him skeptical looks but neither of them have said a thing to their friend. Something feels off, I can’t pinpoint what it is but I just have this feeling in the pit of my gut that it has something to do with why Xander is off.
Knox wouldn’t allow his friends to head to bed once we got back to his house. He ordered them to follow him to his office. I thought that was my cue to head to his bedroom but he surprised me when he grabbed my hand and dragged me after him. I feel out of place sitting on Knox’s lap in front of his best friends and the guys from the other day that were in here when Clara and I heard shouting. Knox’s arms tighten around me as if he can sense my anxiety growing. I stifle a yawn from breaking free and relax back into him. I look around the room and manage to catch Xander staring at me with a guilt ridden look before he turns away from me.
“I want men on the ground and ready to roll at a moment's notice. I want more information on this safety deposit box,” Knox orders.
“The bank is legit, so is the safety deposit box. It’s even under your name,” Patrick tells Knox, who stiffens beneath me a second before he leans forward and rests his chin on my shoulder making me feel really awkward. All his men are in here seeing him being all… sweet and judging from the looks on each of their faces this is out of character for him. Well everyone except for Taylan, who looks fucking thrilled at the sight.
“We head to Winnipeg first thing in the morning,” Knox says.
“How are we going to do that when you are wanted for kidnapping?” Floyd steps forward and asks. I can see from the strain on his face that he didn’t like questioning his boss. Before Knox can answer I cut in and answer for him.
“The moment we get to Winnipeg, I meet with the media to keep the attention on me and then Knox can come forward saying I am with him willingly. I’ll tell them about my father drugging me and shift the blame onto him in the hopes that it will make it harder for him to move around freely.” Every set of eyes in the room are on me. Knox grips my chin and turns me to face him, searching my eyes for a second before he frowns.
“Are you sure about this?” he asks quietly.
“Knox, her doing this means the CSIS will get off our asses.” He ignores Taylan as he waits for me to answer.
“Yes,” I answer. His lips thin, clearly he isn’t happy about this but he isn’t going to argue with me about it now. We spend the next twenty minutes forming a plan of action. We are leaving first thing in the morning to head back to Winnipeg. A knot of dread has formed in my stomach as I follow Knox into the kitchen once all the preparations have been completed for the morning. I come to a stop at the sight of Clara sitting on one of the stools, sipping a cup of tea and reading over a stack of papers in front of her.
“You’re up late,” Knox says to her as he mills about the kitchen grabbing plates and other things, so I climb up on the stool next to his mother. She smiles lovingly at me before turning back to her son who is cracking eggs in a bowl.
“Couldn’t sleep. What’s your excuse?” I bite my lip to keep from smiling. He may be the boss but clearly his mother still rules over him. He keeps his gaze on his task of making omelets by the looks of the ingredients as he answers his mother.
“Just got off a plane and had to prep my men and now I have to feed my girl.” Hearing him call me his girl has warmth spreading throughout my body. “So she has the strength to go another three rounds on my dick.” I choke on my own spit. Knox shoots me a wink as his mom smiles and shakes her head. I feel heat in my cheeks and shoot Knox a death glare.
“There are just some things a mother shouldn’t know, Knox, and that is one of them.” The asshole just laughs as his mother gathers her things and climbs to her feet. She places a kiss to the top of my head and heads out, only to stop and peer back at her son. “I’ll be with you tomorrow.” Knox opens his mouth to no doubt protest but she pushes on. “You and your men do whatever it is that you have to do and I will mind Lakeland for you.” Knox and I both stare at her as she leaves the room with her head held high. I watch in amazement as the men she passes bow their heads in respect.
“That woman will be the fucking death of me,” Knox growls as Taylan saunters into the room and claims Clara’s vacated seat. I wait to see if Xander will follow after him but I don’t even catch a glimpse of him.
“Dude, Mom is a badass and if she catches you talking shit about her, she will whoop your ass in front of everyone.” Knox mumbles something beneath his breath as he returns to his task while Taylan faces me with a wicked smirk on his face. “So, how does it feel to be the queen of this empire?” I reel back and shake my head.
“Cut it out, dickhead,” Knox scolds but Taylan ignores him.
“I mean, given the fact my brother over there made it pretty public that you’re not some fling in that meeting, it has to feel pretty good.” I narrow my eyes at the little shit, I know what Taylan is doing. He’s trying to get a rise out of me in the hopes I’ll deny what he says, it’s a test. I feel Knox’s heated stare on me waiting to see how I will react so I play with them both. Leaning forward I place my hands on the tops of Taylan’s thighs. I see Knox’s jaw lock and his eyes spark with darkness as I lean in close to Tay leaving a sliver of space between our faces. I give him credit, Taylan’s mask of indifference lasts a solid four seconds, but falls the moment I lick my lips and now a lustful look enters his eyes.
“But what if I don’t want to be just his?” Before Taylan can respond, Knox has thrown the bowl of eggs against the wall and stalks around the counter, shoving Taylan off his seat. He grabs my waist and lifts me until my ass is balancing on the edge of the counter. He pushes his way between my legs, grabs my throat and gets right in my face.
“You trying to get me to fucking kill my best friend?” I don’t use words, I reach and wrap my arms around his neck and ghost my lips over his as I answer, feeling Taylan’s gaze on me the whole time. A stabbing pain begins at the base of my skull and I scrunch my left eye to try to alleviate the pain but it does nothing. Knox sees the strain on my face and cups my cheeks trying to soothe me but it doesn’t do anything when a pain so blinding slams into the back of my head, I scream out.
“That’s it, baby, you take his cock so fucking well.” I tear my gaze from Knox and look up into the startling blues of his best friend.
I snap my eyes open and gasp. Knox is right in my face so I shove him away. He stumbles but rights himself. I dart my gaze between Taylan and Knox in shock, shame, confusion and a whole other range of emotions swirl inside me. I spot Mase and two other men and pin them with a glare.
“Get out,” I snap, the two men behind Mase do as I say but the bastard looks to Knox who gives him a curt nod before he leaves the kitchen. I push off the counter and place my hands on my hips, the pain in my head has reduced to a dull thud. I ignore all of that as I stare at these two assholes who are looking at me like I’m a car wreck waiting to happen—no pun intended.
“Shut your fucking trap, Taylan,” I snarl. Wisely he clamps his mouth closed and raises his hands as if surrendering.
“You have two fucking seconds to explain to me what the fuck that was!” Knox shouts. I don’t even react to his angry tone as I swing my glare from Taylan to him, his eyes spit fire but fuck him.
“Oh, you want me to explain what that was?” I taunt as his jaw works side to side. “How about, I didn’t know what the fuck that was until a memory of him fucking me came out of nowhere!” I scream. Both of them flinch and recoil but I’m not done. “How many of your friends have fucked me at your request? Did your men line up and take turns or jump at the opportunity to fuck a seventeen year old?” My chest is rising and falling in quick pants as I try to reign in my temper but the longer we all stand here in awkward silence, I begin to realize I’m not really angry, I’m ashamed. I can’t believe that I would allow someone else to touch me while Knox watched. Bile rushes up my throat but I swallow it back down.