Page 51 of Shattered Soul
The passenger door opens and Mase pops his head inside looking frantic. “Boss, we got two situations,” he rasps out, the worry of what Xander is hiding falls to the back of my mind as I go into battle mode.
“What is it?” I bark.
“Your mom took a car and is heading to the bridge.” Fuck, I pound my fist against the steering wheel honking the horn and scaring the woman crossing the street.
“Get in, we’ll go get her,” I snap but Mase hesitates. “What?” I shout at him.
“Lakeland is gone, Knox.” My blood turns to ice, my heart slows inside my chest. “We’ve been searching for her for hours?—”
“Hours?” I snarl.
Mase frowns and looks at my boys in the back in confusion. “Yeah?” He voices it like a question.
“I haven’t been gone that fucking long,” I snarl.
“Knox, you’ve been gone for nearly four hours,” Tay says from the back. I look at each of them to find them all nodding. I pull my phone from the center and balk at the fucking time!
“Where the fuck is she?” I roar.
“Calm down. Mase get in, we go get Mom first, then we go after Lakeland,” Xander orders. I shoot him a dark look over my shoulder, he doesn’t cower, just meets my stare head on.
“This shit isn’t over, as soon as we get them back you’re telling me everything.” I start the car not waiting for his reply. I’ll deal with him later and he will tell me every single thing he knows . The fact Roberto mentioned him in his letter has me conjuring all sorts of things in my head. If Xander is a rat and has been helping my father, I have no choice.
I will kill my best friend for betraying me.
I drive like a fucking lunatic as I race to get to my mom, the back roads around here aren’t lit by street lamps. Growing up around here gives me an advantage, making it easier for me to navigate these roads.
“How the fuck did Lake get away?” Tay asks, breaking the tension filled silence. I grind my teeth, trying to tamper down my anger. My grip on the wheel tightens so I don’t reach across and strangle the fuck out of Mase for allowing this shit to happen.
“I don’t know, Stu called it in,” Mase answers.
“Where the fuck were you?” I snarl, the anger in my tone can be heard but I don’t give a fuck. It’s his fucking job to make sure everything goes smoothly but it seems I put too much fucking faith in the idiot.
“Watching your back.” I cut a glance to him and glare.
Mase throws his hands in the air, clearly exasperated but if he doesn’t watch himself, he will wind up under the fucking tires of this car if he doesn’t rein that attitude in real fucking fast.
“When we saw you take off, half the guys split and some followed you while the others stayed behind. I called Taylan and Xander to come get you because you pulled a gun on me when I knocked on the window.” I frown not recalling that shit but I also didn’t realize I was gone for hours!
“Jesus, Knox. You need to get your head fucking right before we find Gio and Percy,” Xander snaps. I ignore him because right now I want nothing more than to smash his fucking face in until he tells me what he’s been hiding.
“Gio and Percy are already here, be fucking vigilant,” I say before scrolling through my contact list and calling in a favor I never thought I would have to. I may hate that cunt but if what he says is true, I won’t risk the lives of my family or my men, we’ve lost too many already.
“Yeah?” Chaos’ annoyed voice fills the car stereo system.
“Chaos, it’s Knox,” I say.
I’m met with silence for a few seconds before he finally speaks again. “When I gave you my number I didn’t think you would actually fucking call.” I snort.
“I never thought I would either but here I am,” I answer honestly.
“So you are, what do you need?” That’s one thing I respect about him, he is a straight shooter and doesn’t mince words.
“Karl, the head of the Irish, is offering his men for hire in a war I have with my family. I need the Memento Mori and the Murdoch’s to back me if it results in a war.” Again, there is silence before I hear voices in the background.
“Knox, you’re on speaker.”