Page 53 of Shattered Soul
Knox cuts Roberto off. “I don’t owe you a fucking thing?—”
“No but you need to hear what I have to say,” Roberto pleads. I shift only for my attention to be snagged by something glimmering on the guard rail. I feel this tugging sensation inside my chest forcing me to go to it, I don’t realize I’ve moved until I’m gripping the railing. I hear someone shouting my name but it becomes white noise as I bend down and take in the sight of faded artificial flowers, moldy teddy bears, and a small cross that is tied to the railing, but it’s the gold necklace wrapped around the cross that holds my focus. It’s covered in black and green spots, I lift it off the cross and turn it over in my palm, I spot an inscription on the back and use the hem of the jacket Roberto gave me to wipe it.
I’ll always choose you.
“Lakeland!” I jolt and jump to my feet spinning around to find Roberto by my side and Knox, Clara, Taylan and Xander as well Knox’s men standing there with their guns pointed at me. “What the fuck are you doing with him?” Knox roars but something feels off, I drop my gaze to the necklace then back to him.
“I’ll always choose you,” I say quietly, something about those words has a strange feeling swirling inside me.
“What?” I lift my gaze back to Knox, suddenly I feel dizzy and sway on my feet stumbling back a step, Roberto reaches for me but a shot rings out, he slams into me from the force. I scream as I fall backward, I meet Knox’s fear stricken gaze a second before I feel myself falling over the railing.
This is how I die.
This is the end.
Those are the thoughts running through my head as screams tear from me. I don’t want to die! Before I can fall to the river below my ankle is gripped and I grunt from the jolt. “Help me!” I scream as my hands dangle above my head. Fear isn’t an adequate word to describe how I feel right now, this is a feeling I can’t even name. It’s worse than terrified, worse than numb, this is a feeling of certain death and knowing there is not a goddamn fucking thing you can do to stop it from happening. But the pain in my head never leaves me, it stays there taunting me, reminding me I am going to die without knowing the full story. “Knox!” I don’t realize I have screamed his name until he answers me.
“I got you, Lay. I got you baby. Hang on.” A whimper escapes me as the pain in my head grows so does the feeling of Deja Vu, it’s so fucking intense it robs me of air and I begin to hyperventilate. “I won’t let you go baby, this fucking bridge won’t take you from me as well. Do you hear me, Lakeland. I fucking choose you, I’ll always choose you!”
A tsunami of pain explodes inside my head hearing those words from him. I’ve never felt this much pain before, it’s blinding. I feel like I am being ripped apart from the inside, my head exploding with excruciating pain that robs me of breath. I pray to black out, God, I fucking beg for the numbness that passing out brings. My eyes are open but I see nothing, I can’t even hear a single sound, all my senses are gone. I can’t see, I have no sense of smell, I can’t even feel my limbs. If I wasn’t in so much pain I would swear I was dead.
But suddenly, the pain vanishes and I’m hit with everything all at once.
“Lay, I have to tell you something.” Nerves course through me as I stare up at the boy I have had a crush on for year., Knox Bronson has always seemed so far out of reach. He isn’t like any of the boys at my school, he doesn’t spend hours worrying about what he looks like or how much money he will inherit.
I dart my tongue out and moisten my lips as I peer up at him through my lashes. “Y-yeah?”
That sexy half smirk he only reserves for me makes its way to his perfect face and my heart stutters in my chest when he reaches out and grabs my waist. I suck in a sharp breath as he draws me in so I’m flush against him.
“Today’s your birthday and I’ve waited a long fucking time for this.”
My heart is pounding inside my chest, warmth spreads through me like an inferno and the sundress I currently wear begins to feel too restricting, my nipples push against the material begging to be touched.
“A long time for what?” My voice sounds breathy to my own ears but I don’t care, I have dreamed about this moment for years. So many nights I have dreamed about Knox holding me like this and looking at me like I’m his person, the only person in the world that he needs.
“For you to finally be mine. I choose you, kitten.” Before I can say anything, he meshes his lips to mine, kissing me so deeply that my brain short circuits and I forget to breathe. Who needs oxygen when you can breathe in Knox?
I can’t stop touching my lips, ever since he kissed me and claimed me as his I haven’t been able to take my eyes off him. I watch him like a stalker from across the room as he, Xander, Taylan and River all crowd around the pool table and laugh at something Taylan said. I can’t keep the smile off my face.
“Argh, you’re making gooey eyes at my brother!” I jolt in surprise and spin to see Wave standing there looking disgusted, I panic. What if my best friend hates the idea of me loving her brother? Oh my God, what if she makes me choose between them? “Why do you look like you need to poop.” I scrunch my face which just causes her to laugh.
“Wave, I have to tell you something—” She shushes me and places her hand on my shoulder with a smile on her face and nothing but love in her eyes.
“I know, Lake. I’ve known for years that you have had a thing for Knox.” My face slackens, was I that obvious? “I also know he has been infatuated with you for years as well.” My mouth pops open in disbelief.
“What?” I squeak.
“Lake, you are so blind sometimes.”
“Am not,” I defend in a huff.
“You really are. Knox doesn’t care about anyone except for his boys, River, my mom and me. He doesn’t care for anyone which is why I know this isn’t a fling for him, he wants it all with you, Lake, and if you can’t give him that, let him go.” I gape at her.
“Wave, I would always choose him.”
Her blood-curdling screams shred my heart to pieces.