Page 49 of Never Finished
I looked at her solemnly. "I’m going for the jugular."
"Oh, shit, Emma didn't come to play," Caroline pronounced, clapping her hands.
I filled them in on the all the details—the surveyors, the weird comments Andrew Jr. made about the land and my father’s determination to see the merger through. Then I sucked in a deep breath and told them about the night before when Jr. made his move.
"That son of a bitch," Abby hissed.
Caroline looked at me with a furrowed brow. "Why am I just now hearing about this and how is that man still walking around with his head on?"
"Because I played it off like it wasn’t a big deal, but then Jaime confronted me about it, and we got into a big fight."
"Wait a minute, backup," Abby said, "Jaime confronted you about this as in he was holding you responsible?"
I was quick to defend Jaime. "Oh, God no. As soon as he found out, he came to my room to make sure I was okay, and he encouraged me to not to see him again, or at the very least not be alone with him."
"That's reasonable," Caroline chimed in.
"It is, but I didn't take it well. I couldn't sleep last night after the incident with Andrew, and when I called my dad to tell him what happened, things got ugly. After that conversation, I knew I couldn’t make excuses for him anymore, but wasn't quite ready to face it. Then Jaime reminded me of all the horrible things my dad had done. I got overwhelmed and snapped at him. Told him I could take care of myself, and I didn't need his help."
My friends looked at me warmly, but Caroline spoke first and her words surprised me, considering how intensely independent Caroline was. "Everybody needs help, Emma. You are fiercely capable, and anyone who knows you knows that, but you don’t have to shoulder everything yourself. That’s what friends are for—and well-meaning boy toys," she said, referring to Jaime.
"He's not a boy toy…" I whispered.
"And the plot thickens," Abby teased.
I shook my head. "I should've known I wouldn't be able to keep it casual with him, you know?"
"No, I couldn't possibly know. Please explain it to me like I'm five," Abby insisted with a smile.
"I love him… I think, maybe, I’ve always loved him?"
"Tell us something we don't know," Caroline groused.
"I guess I always felt that deep down, I just never imagined he would feel the same way."
"And you know for sure he loves you too?" Abby asked with eyebrows raised, then added quickly, "He'd be an idiot not to. What I mean is, has he said it?"
I could feel myself blush.
"That's a yes," Caroline stated.
"I just don't want to imagine life without him again. I was feeling like I’d have to choose between carrying on the family legacy or Jaime. It should be a no-brainer, but since my mom's gone, I feel responsible for carrying on what she started."
"Emma," Abby murmured, "You carry on her legacy every day just by being your amazing self. I know your mom loved the resort, and she loved that land, but she loved you more."
Tears fell from my eyes as I smiled at Abby and squeezed Caroline's hand. "I don't know what I would do without you two."
"I don't either," Caroline said, pulling me into her arms and giving me a big hug. "Here, that's from Abby too."
"Yes, it is," Abby agreed. "And I hope you work things out with Jaime. I know you had a fight but—"
"But he seems pretty great for you," Caroline added.
"I haven't even gotten to meet the guy," Abby said, "but Caroline has filled me in, and if she approves, I know he's good for you."
I looked over at Caroline, shocked. She shrugged nonchalantly. "What? I know what's good for my friends. I can’t pick out a decent guy for myself, but for you two, it’s easy," she laughed.
"You'll meet your guy soon, Caroline. I have a good feeling," Abby announced. "And I think I know the right attorney for the job. Do you really think it will come to that?"